
  • 网络Milano Fashion
  1. 米兰时尚品牌杜嘉班纳已在意大利法院提起诉讼。

    Milan fashion house Dolce & Gabbana has filed a lawsuit in an Italian court .

  2. 杜嘉班纳品牌是米兰时尚界最顶级的品牌之一,成立于1985年,雇员超过3000人,在全球40个国家拥有250家店铺。

    The Dolce & Gabbana brand , one of the top names in Milan fashion , was founded in 1985 , and employs more than 3000 people , and has 250 shops in 40 countries across the world .

  3. 米兰商业时尚设计印象

    Impression of Commercial Fashion Design in Milan

  4. 米兰街头的时尚色彩

    The Street Fashion Colors

  5. YujiaHu是SakanaSushiMilano餐厅的老板兼主厨,他说,影响自己烹饪灵感的因素有很多。他热爱NBA篮球,对米兰独特的街头时尚情有独钟,这让运动鞋成为他的寿司造型的完美主题。

    Hu , who is also the owner and chef of the restaurant Sakana Sushi Milano , said that his culinary influences are many . An appreciation for NBA basketball , along with a love of Milan 's distinct street style , made sneakers the perfect subject matter for Hu 's sculptural sushi .