
  • 网络Minnow;Dracula Minnow
  1. 世界上超过一半的鱼类都生活在湖泊、河流和湿地中,从鲤鱼、米诺鱼到巨型鲶鱼,种类繁多。

    More than half the world 's fish are found in lakes , rivers and wetlands – from carp and minnow to giant catfish1 .

  2. 想象下倒挂状态下不用爪子吞食滑溜溜的米诺鱼是怎样的神奇场景

    imagine eating a slippery minnow with no hands while hangingupside down .

  3. 满天繁星,象一池银色的米诺鱼。

    It was as thick with stars as a pool of silver minnows .

  4. 看着就像真正的米诺鱼。

    This thing looks like a real minnow .

  5. “鲦,鲮:鲤科中的一种淡水小鱼,其中也包括鲤鱼和米诺鱼.”

    " dace : any of various small freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae , which also includes carps and minnows . "