
  • 网络Miller Beer
  1. 但福士在澳大利亚的最大酿酒厂,却提起了世界第二大米勒啤酒的胃口。

    Yet Foster 's , Australia 's largest brewer , looks appetising to SABMiller , the world 's second-largest .

  2. 现在被称为米勒啤酒的米勒酿酒公司于几年前酿出了“纯净的啤酒”,然后他们发现人们更喜欢富有焦糖色素及啤酒的泡沫。

    A few years ago , the Miller Brewing Company , now known as MillerCoors , made a " clear beer " until it discovered people prefer a rich , caramel color and a frothy head on their beers .

  3. 米勒康胜啤酒公司早早就开始迎合精酿啤酒风潮&它1995年就推出了自主开发的精酿啤酒品牌“蓝月亮”(BlueMoon)。

    Millercoors was early into the craft beer craze with the creation of blue moon , the internally grown brand it launched in 1995 .

  4. 而他喝的啤酒虽然与米勒牌啤酒(Miller)出自同一家公司,但原料却是非洲本地非常常见的一种谷物&高粱。

    And the beer , from the same company that brews Miller , is made from sorghum , a grain common to Africa .

  5. 生产一罐米勒淡啤酒的碳足迹是多少?

    What 's the carbon footprint of a can of Miller Light ?

  6. 保守派喝主要芽或米勒的国产啤酒。

    Conservatives drink domestic beer , mostly Bud or Miller .

  7. 我常喝的是米勒清爽型啤酒,不过,偶然喝喝贝克纯生(每瓶含60卡路里),我依然能在保持减肥计划同时,享受一个健康的社交生活。

    I 'm a Miller Lite drinker , however , by temporarily switching to Beck 's Premier Light ( 60 calories per serving ) I was able to still enjoy a healthy social life while maintaining my diet .

  8. 百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)斥资1060亿美元收购对手南非米勒(SABMiller)啤酒公司,就是看准了这样的机遇。

    It is the type of opportunity that is at the heart of Anheuser-Busch InBev 's $ 106 billion deal to buy SABMiller , its rival global brewer .