
hóng yào shuǐ
  • mercurochrome
红药水 [hóng yào shuǐ]
  • [mercurochrome] 汞溴红溶液的通称

红药水[hóng yào shuǐ]
  1. 在指关节擦破皮的地方,约翰尼都给抹上了红药水。

    John put some mercurochrome on the places where his knuckles were skinned and cut .

  2. 在伤口处由里向外涂抹红药水,晾干,不要沾水。

    Wound from in outwards daub by mercurochrome , dry , don 't dip in water .

  3. 你是我的红药水,他只是杯黑咖啡。

    You are my merbromin , he just a black coffee .

  4. 他割破了手,我用红药水,绒布和绷带替他包扎起来。

    He cut his hand , which I did up with mercurochrome , lint and bandages .

  5. 用药签在伤口上敷红药水薄荷精和霍夫曼药水也是我爱用的药。

    Swab the wound with mercurochrome and mint and Hoffman 's drops are among my favorite remedies .

  6. 嘴上裂口那儿,他自己抹了红药水,鲜艳的彩色减轻了他的苦相。

    He had put mercurochrome on his mouth where it was cut and the bright color made him look untragic .