
  1. 侯景虽然攻下了建康,但当他的势力向四周扩展时,却遇到梁军和地主武装的强烈抵抗。

    However , while projecting his influence , Hou Jing was confronted by severe opposes from the re-maining army of Liang and local militia .

  2. 侯景走投无路,于548年8月反于寿阳。侯景渡江,很快攻下建康石头城和东府城,但萧衍所住的台城却一时攻打不下。

    Trapped in the corner in 548 , Hou Jing fought back to Shouyang , crossed the Yangtze River , seized the Shitou Cheng ( Stone district ) and Dong Cheng ( Eastern City District ) of Jiankang City and isolated Tai Cheng , the district where Xiao Yan resided .