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  1. 休闲中的天人合一蕴境

    The harmony between man and nature in leisure

  2. 在天人合一之境中敞开&《红楼梦》的诗意叙事开场艺术

    Opening Wide in the Harmony between Man and Nature & Art of Poetic Narrative Starting of The Dream of Red Mansion

  3. 犹如进入身心合一之境。运动员们在进入状态时估计就是这感觉。

    It was like my mind and my body were totally connected , like-like athletes must feel when they 're in the zone .

  4. 我们在不断努力学习和掌握油画艺术语言的同时,如果能将中国传统审美中的天人合一,虚境忘我的思想境界很好的融入油画创作中。

    We constantly strive to learn and master painting art language , if can be Chinese traditional aesthetics of the oneness , the thought state stands on well with oil painting .