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  • bank;side;border;boundary
  • 田地的界限。

  • 边:河~。湖~。桥~。耳~。枕~。

  • 〔~援〕横暴,跋扈,如“帝谓文王,无然~~。”亦称“畔换”、“叛换”。

  • 古同“叛”。


(江、湖、道路等旁边; 附近) side; bank:

  • 河畔

    river bank; riverside;

  • 湖畔

    the shore of a lake


(田地的边界) boundary; border:

  • 田畔

    the border of a field

  1. 心头荷花开,身畔暖风走。

    Heart of lotus opens , body side of genial breezes walks .

  2. 幽幽的海滨畔,鹤影如潮,箫声杳渺。

    The seashore side of the , the crane , such as tide , the voice .

  3. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天》)

    A thousand sails pass by the sunken ship , | ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree . & new things ( or forces ) will always take the place of the old ones .

  4. 有一天晚上,五百只称猴到处游逛,来到了一棵尼俱律树畔。

    One night the 500 macaques wandered around and came to a ni ju lu ( bodhi ) tree .

  5. n我们从黄河走来,带着东方华夏民族的真情厚意,深深地祝福着尼罗河畔这片神奇的土地。

    We come from the land drained by the Yellow River offering genuine friendship and blessings to the miraculous land bisected by the Nile .

  6. 临床研究表明:加用四畔疗法组总有效率为97.5%,优于对照组(P0.05)。

    Clinical study shows that the total effective rate of the group of the perifocal area therapy ( 97.5 per cent ) is better than the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 是不是新发射的在红外频域扫描天空的WISE探测器现在将“发现”X行星正位于内太阳系里我们的身畔?

    Will the new WISE probe , just launched and due to map the skies in infrared , now " discover " Planet X sitting right next to us in the inner solar system .

  8. 近40年前,他从哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)辍学,后来缔造了全球第一家成功的软件巨擘。此时此刻,他坐在西雅图华盛顿湖(LakeWashington)畔的办公室里,心态比以前更轻松。

    Sitting in his office on the shore of Seattle 's Lake Washington , the man who dropped out of Harvard University nearly four decades ago and went on to build the world 's first software fortune is more relaxed than he was .

  9. 动物实验表明:四畔疗法能有效地改善疮面局部微循环,增加局部血流灌注量、红细胞流速,与对照组比较均有显著性差异(P0.01)。

    Experimental study indicate that the perifocal area therapy can effectively improve the microcirculation of wound , increase the microvascular perfusion and the velocity of red blood cell significantly compared with the control group ( P0.01 ) .

  10. 有理论说,网球这个单词起源于尼罗河畔的一个名为Tinnis的古埃及小镇。

    The theory says that the name tennis derives from the Egyptian town of Tinnis alongside the Nile .

  11. 因此,我们在恒河畔的瓦拉纳西(Varanasi)仔细寻找河边台阶上的死尸时,一直努力忽视路上许许多多的购物中心和麦当劳薯饼汉堡(McAlooTikki)的广告。

    That 's why we work to screen out the many shopping malls and signs for McAloo Tikki in Varanasi as we search for dead bodies near the ghats ;

  12. 我们曾在那水畔垂钓,收获颇丰。

    We once fished in that shore , harvest quite abundant .

  13. 可怖的厮杀声,回响耳边。(畔)

    The dread yell of Slogan yet sounds in our ears .

  14. 畔西能源每信托单位价格为18.48加元。

    The units will be issued at C $ 18.48 each .

  15. 我知道她很珍惜你在床畔陪伴她的时光

    I know that she values you there by her bedside ,

  16. 黄浦江畔旧工业建筑的保护与再生

    Preservation and Rebirth of the Old Industrial Buildings along the Huangpu River

  17. 洗砚池畔惊现晋墓

    The Grave in Jin Dynasty Appeared beside Inkstone Washing Pool

  18. 我站在尼罗河畔。

    I was standing on the bank of the Nile .

  19. 中国广州珠江畔居住小区之一。

    One of the Zhujiang Riverside living districts in Guangzhou , China .

  20. 总渴慕那唇畔的一吻。

    Has a kiss of desire on the lips .

  21. 我们坐在桥畔,在泉水边散步,

    We sit beside bridges and walk beside fountains ,

  22. 图沙尔·维亚斯负责苏巴提鲜花公司位于奈瓦沙湖畔一个占地35公顷的鲜花农场。

    a 35-hectare flower farm under the Subati Flowers near the Naivasha Lake .

  23. 泉畔的生命又恢复常态。

    Life at the well became normal once again .

  24. 尼罗河畔的这座城市,云集了众多的古埃及遗迹。

    The Nile-side city is home to a wealth of ancient Egyptian monuments .

  25. 吴淞口畔,一座新的钢铁城正在崛起。

    At Wusong a new city of steel is emerging on the horizon .

  26. 他看上去像是“行吟泽畔”

    He looks as if he were " reciting poems along the lakeside "

  27. 一起去观看尼罗河畔的金字塔[qh]

    See the pyramids along the Nile [ qh ]

  28. 金字塔耸立在尼罗河畔。

    The Pagoda in Kaiyuan Temple Along the Nile River stand the pyramids .

  29. 纳努亚莱莱岛畔,在蓝湖里享用啤酒的情侣。

    Couple enjoying beer in lagoon , Blue Lagoon cruise , Nanuya Lailai Island .

  30. 中国十大文化生态旅游目的地潇洒桐庐,富春江畔的山水福地。

    Tonglu , the Landscape and fortune area at the bank of Fuchun River .