
  • 网络highlights
  1. 加快招生考试改革的思考自主招生:高考改革的新亮点

    Independent Enrolment : The New Highlights in the Reform of HEE Exam

  2. 亲情社区&住宅小区开发的新亮点

    Amicable Community & New Highlights of Residential District Development

  3. MP3等高科技含量玩具成为美国玩具新亮点

    High technology toy such as MP3 become American toysi ~ - new spot

  4. 给曼彻斯特夜总会景象增添的最新亮点就是“K行星”,遗憾的是它的大本营是在曼城最破旧的街道上。

    One of the latest additions to the Manchester scene is Planet K , which is unfortunately based in one of the city 's seediest streets .

  5. P2P技术近年来迅猛发展,成为计算机技术的新亮点,各大研究机构和企业都在研究。

    The technology of p2p is unproved rapidly recently , which is researched by many famous institutions and enterprises , drawing special attention .

  6. 然而,在过去的数年,人们发现生物学中第三种大分子,被称作RNA(核糖核酸)成为了生命科学的新亮点。

    The past couple of years , however , have seen the rise and rise of a third type of molecule , called RNA .

  7. 因此,混沌在CDMA中的应用成为混沌理论和应用研究中的一个新亮点。

    So the chaotic application in CDMA has become a new bright point in the research of chaotic application and chaotic theory .

  8. 这笔新投资是英格兰中部地区(Midlands)一连串成功的最新亮点。

    The new investment is the latest in a string of triumphs for the Midlands .

  9. 随着PHS(PersonalHandy-phoneSystem)无线市话业务的迅速普及,PHS无线市话定位业务将成为无线数据增值业务的一个新亮点。

    With the fast popularity of PHS ( Personal Handy-phone System ) , the location service of PHS will be a new highlight of the wireless data additional service .

  10. “罗切斯特皇家少年团”更新将会加入更多的新亮点,最主要的就是罗切斯特城以及等待已久的PVP系统。

    The " Rocheste Royal Cadets " update introduces a number of new features , chief among them the town of Rocheste , and the long-awaited addition of PVP system .

  11. 能源甘蔗&甘蔗糖业发展的新亮点

    Sugarcane for Energy-A New Highlight of Sugarcane and Sugar Industry Development

  12. 解读我国公务员法的新亮点

    Decipher the new window of the orderly law of our country

  13. 现代化的新亮点&中国特色社会主义

    Socialism with Chinese Characteristics & A New Glowing Point of Modernization

  14. 铁路合作可以成为中泰合作的新亮点。

    Railway cooperation can become a new highlight in China-Thailand cooperation .

  15. 研究性学习:高职教学改革中的新亮点

    Research Study , A New Thing in Higher Vocational Education Reform

  16. 观赏渔业:都市型水产业的新亮点&上海发展观赏渔业的思考和建议

    Amusement fish industry : new bright point of urban - oriented fishery

  17. 这些都是国际发展合作的新亮点。

    All these represent important progress in international development cooperation .

  18. 发展创意:促进社会进步的新亮点

    Creativity in Development : The New Bright Point to Accelerate Social Progress

  19. 人性化,现代图书馆家具设计的新亮点

    Humanity , a New Idea for the Design of Modern Library Furniture

  20. 繁荣中的理性:2010春拍新亮点?

    Rationality in Prosperity : Highlight of2010 Spring Auction ?

  21. 短裤与正装的搭配成为主导的新亮点。

    Shorts and are filled with a new bright spot with a dominant .

  22. 体育文化产业&我国文化产业中的新亮点

    Sports culture industry & a new area in China

  23. 平民化&广播新闻改革的新亮点

    Nearer to the Common People & New Shining Point of Broadcasting News Reform

  24. 记者:我们新村房产在2010年是否会有一些新亮点

    Reporter : We are Village property in2010 there will be some new highlights

  25. 业界新亮点&Internet数据中心

    Internet Data Center & A New Bright Spot

  26. 构建和谐社会,开创大学生思想教育新亮点

    Building a harmonious society and exploring new approaches for college students ' ideological education

  27. 信托:房地产融资的新亮点&访北京国际信托投资有限公司总经济师时宝东

    Real Estate Investment Trust : The New Highlight

  28. 站点地图&高校图书馆网页的新亮点

    The Map of Website & New Light Spot of Webpage in High School Library

  29. TD-SCDMA&3G发展新亮点

    The New Spot on TD-SCDMA & 3G Development

  30. 脱贫新亮点&大化旅游扶贫与少数民族地区发展

    A New Method of Poverty Assistance & Poverty Assistance by Tourism Development in Minorites Areas