
  1. 论梁启超《新史学》与《新民说》的内在一致性

    On the Inner Coherence Between Liang Qichao ′ s New Historiography and New Citizenship

  2. 这些观点在梁启超的新民说中都有体现。

    All this is shown in LIANG Qi-chao 's " Theory of New People " .

  3. 从道德本位到权利本位的转换&梁启超《新民说》审视

    Transformation from Moral Standard to Authority Standard ── A Survey on Liang Qichao 's The Doctrine of New Nation

  4. 第四部分,余论。以五四时期的国民性改造运动为背景,反思新民说在思想史上的意义,并结合当代中国的改革开放,在新的语境下进行反思。

    The fourth part will briefly summarize and evaluate the significance of new people said in the thinking history .

  5. 梁启超《新民说》是对以《大学》为代表的中国传统新民思想的改造和发展。

    Liang Qichao 's Doctrine of New Nation is the reformation and development of the traditional Chinese thoughts of New Nation represented by The Great Learning .

  6. 本文以《新民说》为主要研究材料,希望从中挖掘出丰富的伦理思想资源。

    The thesis takes " New Democracy Theory " as the main research material and tries to dig up the profound thoughts of ethnics and ideologies from it .

  7. 本文以梁启超《新民说》中的竞争观念作为诠释对象,目的在于对《新民说》在新的视域内进行价值重估。

    In this paper , concept of competition in The New Citizen written by Liang Qichao is the object of interpretation , the purpose of which is to revalue The New Citizen in new field of view .

  8. 他采用多种方式,通过多种途径,积极致力于对国民的思想启蒙,并由此形成以新民说为主体的启蒙思想。

    By employing various means and through multiple channels , he actively engaged in the education of the Chinese nation in terms of enlightenment ideology and thus formed his own ideology based on the new democracy theory .

  9. 通过笔者的研究综述发现,学界对《新民说》中竞争观念缺少足够的重视。竞争观念作为现代性观念谱系之一,在梁启超那里从一个存在的事实概念已经上升到价值的高度。

    The author found that scholars lacked for adequate attention on the concept of competition in The New Citizen . Competition , as one of the notional spectrums of Chinese modernity , had risen to the height of value from an existing concept .