
  • 网络chinese medicine;traditional chinese medicine;Traditional medicine
  1. 中国医学(traditionalChinesemedicine,TCM)源远流长,对中华民族的繁荣昌盛作了重要贡献。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) has a long history , and makes great contribution to the prosperity of Chinese nation .

  2. 昨晚我听到他谈论中国医学。

    I heard him talk about Chinese medicine last night .

  3. 中国医学科学院皮肤病研究所常务副所长孙建方

    Sun Jianfang , managing deputy director of Institute of Dermatology , Chinese Academy of Medical sciences .

  4. 浅谈中国医学教育中的PBL教学模式

    On PBL Teaching Model in Chinese Medical Education

  5. 方法:对102例在中国医学科学院整形外科医院颅颌面中心行下颌角截骨整形的患者做三维CT检查,并对其颅面结构进行三维立体测量。

    Methods 102 cases of prominent mandibular angle patients who had mandibular angle osteotomy in Plastic Surgery Hospital were examined by three-dimension CT and three-dimension cephalometry were carried out .

  6. 方法对1990~2002年中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学血液学研究所血液病医院收治的45例GT患儿的临床表现、实验室资料、治疗措施进行回顾分析。

    Methods The clinical features , lab examination and medical treatment of 45 GT patients were retrospectively analyzed .

  7. 有15种中国医学期刊的49篇论文被MEDLINE收录;

    49 papers published in Chinese medical periodicals were included in MEDLINE .

  8. SCIE收录2001-2003年中国医学文献的被引情况分析

    Cited Chinese medical literature from 2001 to 2003 on SCI-E : an analysis

  9. PC12细胞株购自中国医学科学院细胞中心。

    PC12 cell line was purchased form the Cell Center of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences .

  10. 文献查找:(1)中国医学科学院的中国生物医学文献光盘数据库(CBMdisc);

    Chinese Biology Medical disc ( CBMdisc );

  11. 用中国医学细菌保藏管理中心提供的淋病奈瑟氏菌W分群参考菌株,参考Sandstrom的方法免疫家兔。

    Reference strains of W group Gonococcus from Center for Medical Culture Colle - ction ( CMCC ) were used in this study . Rabbits were immunized according to Sandstrom method .

  12. 文章对《中图法》第四版R2中国医学类名、类号和类目注释所存在的几个问题进行了分析和探讨。

    This article makes an analysis and ponderation of the existing problems in the annotation of class names , class numbers and class headings about " R2Chinese Medicine " on the fourth edition of CLC .

  13. 方法:1.查阅中医历代典籍中关于中风病的记载,通过中国医学检索光盘及Medline检索近十年来关于中风病、缺血性卒中的有关文献,并进行综述;

    Metheds : 1 . Consulting TCM ancient books and records about stroke ; Using the Chinese Medical Retrieval Optical Disk and MEDLINE database search the correlated documents of the latest ten years ;

  14. 结论PCL-C量表在中国医学院校学生中有良好的信度和效度,其内容和结构都比较合理。

    Conclusion PCL-C has a good reliability and validity in medical university students in China , and its content and structure are comparatively reasonable .

  15. 目的调查创伤后应激障碍检查量表平民版(PCL-C量表)在中国医学生中的信度、效度及其参考值范围,进一步研究心理、人格和应对方式等因素与PTSD的关系。

    Objectives To survey the reliability and validity of PCL-C in university students in China and its reference value range ; further research the relation between PTSD and psychology , personality and coping style .

  16. 结论中国医学科学院医学生物学研究所生产的OPV疫苗糖丸质量是稳定的、可靠的,符合《中国生物制品规程》的质量标准要求。

    Conclusion The quality of the OPV produced by Institute of Medical Biology , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences is stable , reliable and completely in accordance with the quality standard of " Requirements for Biologics " .

  17. 为检测实验用猴群中抗SV5抗体分布情况,利用中国医学科学院实验动物研究所提供的猴抗SV5阳性血清建立了针对猴血清的IFA和IEA两种SV5抗体检测方法。

    To detect the distribution conditions of SV5 antibody in laboratorial simians , two antibody detection methods , IFA and IEA , were established using the simian SV5-positive serum provided by Lab Animal Research Institute of China Academy of Medical Science .

  18. 新仪器的研制北京中医药大学和中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所在MX-Ⅱ、ZJ-3型多功能脉图仪等的基础上联合研制出实验用NX-3多功能脉图仪。

    Developing new apparatus Beijing university of TCM and Biomedical Engineering Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences have developed NX-3 multifunctional sphygmograph for experiment application which was based on ZJ-3 multifunctional sphygmograph .

  19. 浅谈建立中国医学病名及其系统的紧迫性

    Discussing the Pressure of Establishing TCM Disease Names and the System

  20. 黑龙江畜牧兽医中国医学真菌学的发展


  21. 中国医学高校学报科技论文研究

    Research of Technological Article Related to the Journals of Chinese Medical College

  22. 浅谈新中国医学教育五十年

    Preliminary discussion the 50 years ' medical education of the New china

  23. 中国医学期刊文献的书目控制新变化

    New Changes of Chinese Medical Periodicals ' Bibliographic Manipulation Form

  24. 中国医学人文、医学职业精神的主要研究议题与制度化决定因素

    The main issues and deciding factors of medical humanism and professional spirits

  25. 真正影响中国医学的是佛经。

    It is Buddhist Scripture that influenced Chinese Medicine .

  26. 论《中国医学通史》古代卷编写诸问题

    Problems regarding the compilation of the ancient volume ofa general Chinese medical history

  27. 中国医学专家研制出用海洋物质治疗遗忘症的方法。

    Chinese medicine experts developed a way to treat amnesia using marine materials .

  28. 中国医学是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,一直是传统文化的重要载体。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine , is one of the major symbols of Chinese culture .

  29. 中国医学科学院六室实验白血病小组;

    Experimental Leukemia Group , Laboratory No.6 of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences .

  30. 鸦片战争之后,西方医学的涌入丰富了中国医学。

    The influx of western medicine enriched Chinese medical science after the Opium War .