
  • 网络Towards the Republic
  1. 走向共和古典共和的宪政解读

    Toward the Republic The Constitutional Reading of Classical Republicanism

  2. 历史观与历史剧&《走向共和》引发的思考

    Historical Outlook and Historical Play - Thoughts on the opera the Birth of the Republic

  3. 享有平等的劳动权利是人类走向共和和追求终极自由的基本条件和首要条件。

    Having equal labor rights is the basic and primary condition for people leading to the republic and ultimate freedom .

  4. 2003年热播的电视连续剧《走向共和》主要讲述了(上文提到的清朝末期)这些政治改革,因此很快遭到了监察机构禁播。

    A popular television series ," Advance toward the Republic ", that focused on those reforms and was aired in2003 , was cut by censors before the series finished , and banned from rebroadcast .

  5. 它们可能认为这会走向魏玛共和国经济学:通过印钞来为政府债务融资。

    They may see this as a slide towards Weimar Republic Economics : monetary financing of government debt by printing money .

  6. 共和国成立后没有解决英国的宪政问题,而是一步步走向集权,共和国成为披着共和外衣的独立派专政工具。

    However the Republic did not solve any constitutional problem but become centralized step by step . It was separatists ' dictatorship under the cloak of republicanism .