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zǒu gǒu
  • running dog;lackey;flunkey;stooge;lacquer;lapdog
走狗 [zǒu gǒu]
  • [running dog;lackey; lacquey;flunkey] 本指猎狗,今比喻受人豢养而帮助作恶的人,谄媚的人或阿谀奉承的人

走狗[zǒu gǒu]
  1. 中国人忍住将佩林称为资本主义走狗的诱惑。

    The Chinese have resisted the temptation to call Mrs Palin a capitalist running dog .

  2. 买办资产阶级始终是帝国主义的走狗,革命的对象。

    The comprador-bourgeoisie is always a running dog of imperialism and a target of the revolution .

  3. 关于哈丁是个政治走狗的指控可能是个谣传。

    The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard .

  4. 后者几十年来大半时间都在为该党领导人当走狗。

    The latter had for decades acted largely as a stooge for the party leaders .

  5. 他只不过是个走狗,忠实执行元首的命令。

    He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer 's commands .

  6. 那CIA走狗还被解掉吗?

    CIA dog been disposed of yet ?

  7. 我要让元老院的人召回这群走狗。

    I 'll get Senator cimber to call off the dogs .

  8. 走狗和训练狗是两种完全不同的东西。

    Running dogs and training dogs are two totally different things .

  9. 和你的走狗上周我不感兴趣。

    And your lackey last week that I wasn 't interested .

  10. 你这国王怎么也做起走狗来了?

    What are you doing enthralled to that pig of a king ?

  11. 在不受你和你那群走狗的妨碍下安全离开。

    Walks away without the interference of you and your pit bulls .

  12. 小姊妹们听说谁是走狗,就要打她!

    The girls will make short work of anybody they find ratting !

  13. 我认为他想把我当走狗般支使。

    I think he hopes to use me as one of his stooges .

  14. 你简直,你简直就是他的走狗

    You 're like a -- you 're like a damn pod person .

  15. “打走狗姚金凤!”

    " Give Yao Chin-Feng a good hiding ! She 's a rat !"

  16. 老虎捕杀猎物时,帮凶走狗也获利。

    When the tiger kills , the Jackal profits .

  17. 他们自己就是纸老虎,更不用说他们的走狗了。

    They are themselves a paper tiger , not to mention their stooges .

  18. 这里的其它囚犯都是一些走狗和告密者,对此我深信不疑。

    I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches .

  19. 那个走狗看守马上又会来的。

    That jackal guard will be around again soon .

  20. 你仍然是我哥哥的走狗。

    You 're still my brother 's lapdog .

  21. 那帮走狗现在在哪儿?

    Where are the rest of the jackals ?

  22. 所有的走狗都是有罪的。

    All the dogs are just as guilty .

  23. 你想嫁给一个以色列的走狗么?

    Want to marry an israeii coiiaborator ?

  24. 莫尔蒙!把这些多斯拉克走狗都杀了!

    Mormont , kill these Dothraki dogs !

  25. 而当我说清我并不想做他们的走狗时。

    When I made it clear I wasn 't gonna be playing their hound dog .

  26. 这条约,泰迪,这条约让你成了英国皇帝的走狗。

    This treaty , teddy , this treaty makes you a servant of the British empire .

  27. “哄我们去上工的是走狗!”

    " Anybody who tries to get us to go back is a rat , too !"

  28. 中国人所以要革清朝的命,是因为清朝是帝国主义的走狗。

    The Chinese directed the revolution against the Ching regime because it was the running dog of imperialism .

  29. 各国人民在反对帝国主义及其走狗的斗争中,总是相互支援的。

    The peoples of the world invariably support each other in their struggles against imperialism and its lackeys .

  30. 可以说,在中国人的心目中,日本的中国通就是日本帝国主义的帮凶、走狗和马前卒。

    Chinese people think that the Old China Hand are accomplices , flunkies and pawns of the Japanese imperialism .