
  • 网络strike-slip fault;strike slip fault;wrench fault
  1. 进一步分析发现:mb相同时,走滑断层地震的Ms大于倾滑断层地震的Ms;多震型地震的Ms大于孤立型地震的Ms。

    Through further research , the results are shown : when the values of m_b are the same , Ms of strike-slip fault earthquake was bigger than that of dip-slip fault earthquake , and Ms of multiple type of earthquake sequence was bigger than that of isolated type earthquake .

  2. 从煤田构造实际出发,剖析了煤田内走滑断层的基本特征,并论述了其与其它构造形式之间的关系,对于煤田构造演化及煤田滑脱构造研究具有重要的启示。

    Proceeded from the actual situation of coalfield structures , The paper discusses the essential characteristics of the strike-slip fault in the coalfields , presents the relationship between the strike-slip faults and other tectonics , which will give important enlightenment to the study of coalfield structure evolution and decollement structures .

  3. 作者通过用Maxwell粘弹性模型对一含壁垒的走滑断层的应力、应变积累过程进行有限元模拟,探讨了震源体发震前形成高应力差和高应变梯度的原因和过程。

    The process of accumulating stress and strain along a fault is simulated with Maxwell viscoelastic model .

  4. 另一组为NW向走滑断层,形成时代较晚,破坏早期逆冲断层和NE向走滑断层。

    The formation time of NE strike slip faults is earlier than that of NW strike slip faults .

  5. 本文对直立走滑断层地震提出一个简单的力学模型,用尖角型(Cusp)的突变模型研究了地震过程的机制。

    This paper provides a simple mechanics model of earthquake for the strike-slip faulting and studies the mechanism of the earthquake by a cusp type catastrophic model .

  6. 区域地质构造解析结果表明,连云山花岗岩与晚三叠世侏罗纪NNE向会聚走滑断层动热变质剪切重熔型岩浆作用有关。

    The analyses of regional structures show that Lianyunshan granite is associated with dynamic metamorphism shear remelt magmatism of NNE trending convergent strike slip faulting during T3-J.

  7. NW向断层除了与莺歌海盆地分界的1号边界走滑断层外,其他均为调节断层,也带有一定的走滑性质。

    Beside No.1 fault , which was strike-slip fault and the boundary fault of Yinggehai basin , the other NW-trend faults were adjusted faults , but also with a certain strike-slip weight .

  8. 新生代岩浆作用(18Ma)与陆-陆碰导致的大规模走滑断层作用所引起的同熔作用有关。

    Cenozoic magmatism in the EMTP ( 18 Ma ) was related to syntexis caused by large-scale strike-slip faulting .

  9. 新西兰南岛北端研究表明,俯冲大洋板块能携带宽度达150km左右的窄条陆壳克服浮力达到超高压变质深度,而大陆板块碰撞的主体则浮在岩石圈上形成走滑断层。

    Studies on the northern South Island of New Zealand indicate that subducting oceanic slab can overcome the buoyancy and drag adjacent continental sliver up to about 150 km width to UHM depths , while the main body of continent can only float upon the mantle to produce strike-slip faults .

  10. 隐伏走滑断层破裂扩展特征的实验研究

    Experimental study on rupture propagation along Buried strike - slip fault

  11. 介绍了走滑断层作用研究前缘的若干主要方面。

    The author introduces some advanced studies on strike-slip faulting in theworld .

  12. 煤田走滑断层及其研究意义

    On the Strike - Slip Fault of Coalfield and Its Research Significance

  13. 雁列走滑断层发展的相互力学作用效应

    Effect of mechanical interaction on the development of strike-slip faults with echelon patterns

  14. 走滑断层的识别标志及其石油地质意义

    Identification of Strike-slip Fault and Its Petroleum Geology Significance

  15. 平行走滑断层相互作用的粘弹模型和减震作用

    Visco elastic model of interaction between parallel strike slip faults and seismicity reduction effect

  16. 研究了走滑断层的成因;

    The origin of shove fault is studied .

  17. 黔东北走滑断层之特征及形成机制分析

    Features of the Strike-slip Faults in Northeast Guizhou and Analysis for Their Forming Mechanism

  18. 文章讨论了走滑断层定义、分类及表示方法;

    Definition , classification and representation method of the shove fault are discussed in this paper .

  19. 电阻率横向剖面探测走滑断层的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation Study on Detecting the Strike Slip Fault with the Cross Section of Electrical Resistivity

  20. 在板块斜向碰撞中,与走滑断层相伴生的隆升是弯曲挤压的必然结果。

    The uplift concomitance with strike-slip faults is consequent on restraining bend in plate oblique collision .

  21. 基于走滑断层震源受力过程的地震危险性分析模型

    A Model of Seismic Risk Analysis on the Basis of the Bearing Process of Strike Fault Focus

  22. 对高填方路堤在隐伏走滑断层错动下的破坏模式进行了分析归纳。

    There are analyzed and summarized on failure mode of the high embankment after Strike-slip fault dislocation .

  23. 相对于走滑断层而言,侧断坡断层是有效的天然气运移优势通道。

    The lateral ramp fault is taken as an effective pathway of hydrocarbon migration in the strike-slip fault .

  24. 大部分活动断层属左旋斜滑断层,部分活动断层为左旋走滑断层。

    Most of the active faults are left-lateral oblique-slip ones and part of them are left-lateral strike-slip ones .

  25. 中国东部油气区逆断层有四种成因类型:1.走滑断层诱导型逆断层;

    Thrust faults in Eastern China petroliferous regions have four genetic types : 1.thrust associated with strike-slip fault ;

  26. 胜利油区正断层较多,走滑断层研究较少。

    Ere are more normal faults thus the shove fault has less been researched in Shengli petroliferous province .

  27. 判读走滑断层的变位方向及变位量,需注意地貌面上的线性地物。

    We must pay attention to the linear landforms when we determine direction and displacement amount of strike-slip fault .

  28. 3次子序列的震源断层都是走滑断层,也和2条构造正断层有别。

    The feature that focal faults of three subsequences are strike slip is different from the two tectonic faults .

  29. 辽河油田东部凹陷中段走滑断层与油气的关系

    Relationship between strike-slip faults and petroleum in the central segment of the eastern subbasin of the Liaohe oilfield , China

  30. 本文研究了有限长度含有单一粗糙面的垂直走滑断层的滑动弱化不稳定性。

    In this paper , we have studied the slip-weakening instability on a finite and vertical strike-slip fault with asperity .