
  1. 我这样做不是为了钱,而是因为我喜欢烹饪。

    I am not doing it for the money , but because I love cooking .

  2. 老虎的美名,这样做不是更好吗?”

    Wouldn ’ t this be a better thing to do ? "

  3. 这样做不是很耗内存和CPU资源,因此克隆分派器并不会付出很大代价。

    Doing so is inexpensive in memory and CPU resources , so there is no significant penalty for cloning dispatchers .

  4. 一位与VTB关系密切的人士表示:如今这么做不是时候。

    Now is not the best time , a person close to VTB said .

  5. 他这么做不是很明智,是吧?

    That wasn 't very intelligent of him , was it !

  6. 我那么做不是为了逗你笑。

    I don 't do that to make you laugh .

  7. 反正我觉得这样做不是个长久之计。

    Anyway , I feel that this is not a permanent solution .

  8. 你这样做不是在保护她。

    You didn 't do this to protect her .

  9. 那么做不是姐妹般的行为。

    That 's not a very sisterlyway to behave .

  10. 上天保佑我这样做不是错的。

    And God forgive me if I 'm wrong .

  11. 不过,这样做不是这种设计的必备要求。

    However , doing so is not an inherent requirement of this design .

  12. 什么也不做不是办法。

    To do nothing is not an option .

  13. 我以为你恨我我这样做不是为�

    I thought you hated me . I didn 't do it for you .

  14. 阻止他们这样做不是国家的工作。

    It is not the state 's job to stop them from doing so .

  15. 我们这样做不是同意禁止使用任何特定的武器。

    In doing this , we have not agreed to ban the use of any particular weapons .

  16. 惠普尔告诉美国电视节目《医生》说:我这么做不是故意的。

    " It wasn ` t on purpose ," Mr Whipple told US television show The Doctors .

  17. 我这么做不是因为你是女的,而是应为我是一个男人!

    Man : I do this not because you are a woman but because I am a man !

  18. 首先,你们许多人问,这样做不是将导致我们跌入另一场战争吗?

    First , many of you have asked , wont this put us on a slippery slope to another war ?

  19. 如果说这么做不是为了拉欧洲人一把、免得他们自取灭亡的话,那就权当是为了拯救世界其它地区、使它们免受欧元区失控解体之拖累吧。

    If not to save the Europeans from themselves , then to save the rest of the world from the consequences of an uncontrolled eurozone break-up .

  20. 太后屠杀无辜婴孩你甚至连否认一下的表面功夫都不做不是你下的命令对吗?

    The Queen slaughters babies . You don 't even have the decency to deny it . It wasn 't you who gave the order , was it ?

  21. 不过,如果你写的代码在您的网站上,你这样做不是故意混淆,块伪装的代码在您的网站上可以表明注入攻击。

    However , if you write the code on your site and you do not intentionally obfuscate , a block of obfuscated code on your site may indicate an injection attack .

  22. 相反,确保自己拿出时间来帮助网络中的人员,这样做不是因为你想要回报,而仅仅因为你真正想要他们成功。

    Instead , make sure you take the time to help others in your network , not because you 're expecting something in return , but because you truly want them to succeed .

  23. 她那样做决不是出于私心。

    She didn 't do it for any reason of self .

  24. 我们这样做并不是根据道听途说,而是依据真正的事实。

    We do not go on the cry in this , but the very fact .

  25. 长久以来,一般研究都认为完成一项任务时自言自语有助于孩子的学习,当你明显已经成年时还这样做则不是有才华的表现。

    Common research has long held that talking themselves through a task helps children learn , although doing so when you 've apparently matured is not a great sign of brilliance .

  26. 她这样做并不是要把你逼疯;相反,她正在学习,她的欲望和你的欲望可以不同,有时这些不同很重要,有时却不重要。

    She is not doing this to drive you crazy ; rather , she is learning that her desires and yours can differ , and that sometimes those differences are important and sometimes they are not .

  27. Jim:我同意Meeraj所说的,在解释SCA是什么这件事上,我们做得不是非常好。

    Jim : I agree with Meeraj , we haven 't done a very good job at explaining what SCA is .

  28. 对于许多WebSphereMQ用户,他们所使用的网络包括各种平台的混合,如Windows、UNIX和大型机系统,这样做并不是很实际。

    For many users of WebSphere MQ whose networks include a mix of platforms , such as Windows , UNIX , and mainframe systems , this is simply not practical .

  29. 卡茨研究生院高级副院长劳里•基尔希(LaurieKirsch)说,做项目不是为了赚钱盈利。

    Laurie Kirsch , the senior associate dean at Katz , says it isn 't about turning a profit .

  30. 为了创建一个简单的翻滚按钮,可以使用PNG或JPG,虽然这样做并不是很有趣。

    To create a simple roll-over , you can just use PNGs or JPGs , though that really isn 't so interesting .