
  • 网络Luxurious Restaurant;DELUXE RESTAURANT
  1. 这道菜真是人间美味,远远超过很多豪华餐厅的素食菜品。

    It was very , very good , far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant .

  2. 例句:我们可以去看戏或者去豪华餐厅吃饭。

    We can go to the theatre or have a meal in a posh restaurant .

  3. 北京湘鄂情集团(BeijingXiangeqingGroup)在决定放弃豪华餐厅业务、进军云计算行业后,更名为中科云网(CloudLiveTechnologyGroup)。

    Cloud Live Technology Group changed its name from Beijing Xiangeqing Group after it decided to shift out of luxury restaurants and into cloud computing .

  4. 我知道你身家千万,拥有豪车无数,私人豪华餐厅,现代化农牧场,自从QQ号丢了以后,你就一无所有,神马也不是。

    I know you assets must , with current car countless , private luxury restaurant , author modernization , since QQ number lost after , you will have nothing , a horse is god .

  5. 在豪华餐厅中,经验丰富的专门厨师的薪金也颇丰厚。

    Experienced specialty chiefs also receive good salaries in luxury restaurants .

  6. 他带她出去,到伦敦的一家豪华餐厅去吃饭。

    He took her out to dinner at a fancy place in london .

  7. 谁也不用买礼物,也不用带着男女朋友出去到一家豪华餐厅去吃饭。

    Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their " significant other " out to eat in a fancy restaurant .

  8. 许多人避免去豪华餐厅,因为当别人在疏散中心受苦时,在这样的地方享用美食不合时宜。

    Many shun lavish restaurants , because to eat in such places would be unseemly while other people are suffering in evacuation centres .

  9. 这并不意味着你将要不惜血本,带她去一家豪华餐厅。

    That doesn ` t mean you don ` t have to take your sweetheart to a posh restaurant and spend a lotta bucks .

  10. 如果你害怕坐飞机或者买不起飞机票,那么你可以在一家由一架客机改装成的豪华餐厅里体验飞机上的生活。

    If you are afraid of flying or can 't afford a ticket , you can still enjoy a taste of the jet-set lifestyle inside a passenger plane transformed into a luxury restaurant .

  11. 我们被领进一个豪华的餐厅。

    We were ushered into a sumptuous dining hall .

  12. 你该不会是某家豪华汉普顿餐厅的老板吧

    You run one of those fancy Hamptons restaurants ?

  13. 当我们走进豪华的餐厅时,我那8岁的儿子似乎有点不自在。

    My eight-year-old son looks uncomfortable as we walk into the grand dining room .

  14. 我们在富士山麓的一家宽敞豪华的餐厅里吃了一顿并不豪华的西餐。

    At a spacious and luxurious restaurant at the foot of Fuji we ate a definitely not sumptuous western meal .

  15. 这家豪华的餐厅是小贝妻子维多利亚的最爱的餐馆之一,但是当天晚上39岁的维多利亚似乎没有跟着老公孩子出现在那里。

    The posh eateries is his wife 's favourite restaurant to go to but 39-year-old Victoria did not seem to be with the family on the night .

  16. 你在一家豪华西餐厅享用美食时,甚至没注意到隔壁的一个家伙在对着手机大喊。

    You will never notice the guy who 's yelling on his mobile next to you when you 're enjoying delicious food in a luxury western restaurant .

  17. 汽车应当穿行于繁华的街道,停放在豪华的餐厅门前,而不是停在私人车库里供个别人独自观赏。

    ' We want it to be seen on the right roads , in front of the right restaurants and not just being enjoyed by one individual in their private garage . 'Mr.

  18. 美国的旅游者则会变得比较开心,在接下来的春假或夏季,他们会发现,在一家豪华法式餐厅吃饭,或到地中海海滩度假的价格会远远低于一年之前。

    The happier Americans would be tourists , who during the coming spring break or summer months will find that a meal in a fancy French restaurant or a Mediterranean beach holiday costs much less than it would have a year ago .

  19. 他们在傍晚七时抵达,赶上了在一家豪华的匈牙利餐厅进餐。

    They arrived at seven in the evening , in time to dine at a splendid Hungarian restaurant .

  20. 这些课程还提供您完成在一个豪华酒店的餐厅或法国餐厅4个月的实习方案。

    These courses also offer you the option of completing a4 month internship in a luxury hotel restaurant or restaurant in France .

  21. 也有人计划将其建成豪华旅馆、餐厅或间谍博物馆,但在短期内这些都不太可能发生。

    Others planned to build a luxury hotel and restaurant as well as a spy museum , but chances are that nothing will happen anytime soon .

  22. 您也可以完成4个月的培训课程(实习在上市的豪华旅馆在法国餐厅上述课程的话)的选择。

    You also have the option of completing a4 month training course ( internship ) in any of the courses listed above in a luxury Hotel restaurant in France .