
zì zhù cān tīnɡ
  • cafeteria;buffet restaurant;self-service snack bar
  1. 自助餐厅有冷热食物供应。

    Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria .

  2. 我路过时注意到一个男子独自在自助餐厅里拖地。

    I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed .

  3. 在学校的自助餐厅里你会发现有很多饮食可供选择。

    You will find a wide variety of choices available in school cafeterias

  4. 我们坐在车站的自助餐厅里喝茶。

    We sat in the station buffet sipping tea .

  5. 比如费思,她经常把背包落在自助餐厅;还有露西,她很喜欢拥抱。

    Like Faith , who often forgets her backpack in the cafeteria , and Lucy , who just wants a hug .

  6. 她在他对面坐下,告诉他自助餐厅是如何运作的。

    She sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria worked .

  7. “我很快就了解了美国的生活方式,”祖父后来告诉我的朋友,“在这里,生活就像一家自助餐厅。”

    " I soon learned that 's how everything works in America , " the grandfather told my friend later , " Life 's a cafeteria here . "

  8. 他们走出自助餐厅,穿过广场。

    They walked out of the cafeteria , and across the piazzadj .

  9. 我和朋友去自助餐厅猛吃了一顿!

    My friend and I went to an all-you-can-eat buffet1 and pigged out !

  10. 情侣VIP电影厅、自助餐厅全天候开放。

    Lovers movie hall and buffet restaurant are open in24 hours .

  11. 自助餐厅GoldenCorral首次将龙虾加入了菜单。

    Golden Corral , the buffet-style restaurants , has put lobster on the menu for the first time .

  12. 蒙特利尔自助餐厅的一位顾客拧开盥洗室的龙头,结果被水烫伤了。“这太可恶了,”他抱怨道,“标着c的龙头流出的是开水。”

    A patron in Montreal Cafe turned on a tap in the washroom and got scalded . " this is an outrage ," he omplained . " the faucet marked C gave me boiling water . "

  13. 我爱奖励公司(IloveRewardsInc)是一家多伦多的软件公司。它鼓励新员工在开始工作之前,先拜访一下自助餐厅或休息室。

    I Love Rewards Inc. , a Toronto-based software company , encourages a virtual visit to the cafeteria or break room even before new employees start work .

  14. 我在大型火车站内的自助餐厅之间穿梭,然后走进了港区品川火车站(Shinagawatrainstation)内价格相当低廉的BarMarcheKodama。

    LOW From one buffet in a huge train station to another , I went to the considerably cheaper Bar Marche Kodama in the Shinagawa train station in the Minato ward .

  15. 坐在简单装修的员工自助餐厅里,安迪·贾西(AndyJassy)讲述着网上零售巨头较新却不改节俭的一面。

    Sitting in a sparsely decorated employee cafeteria , Andy Jassy pitches a newer if equally thrifty side of thee-tailing giant .

  16. 零卡已不再局限于食品杂货店,开始走进硅谷一些公司的自助餐厅,同时开始赞助美国职业棒球大联盟奥特兰运动家队(OaklandAthletics)。

    Zevia has begun selling its beverage outside of grocery stores . Its products are sold in the cafeterias of a few Silicon Valley companies and Zevia is a sponsor of Major League Baseball 's Oakland Athletics .

  17. 前橄榄球运动员乔治·达尔蒙和他的朋友安迪·迈尔斯被布赖顿市的这家叫“Gobi”的自助餐厅拒之门外,餐厅经理称他们为“绝代双猪”。

    George Dalmon , a former rugby player , and his friend Andy Miles were banned from all-you-can-eat restaurant , Gobi , In Brighton , after the manager branded them " a couple of pigs . "

  18. 2006年,位于费城的自助餐厅经营者爱玛客(Aramark)将SeamlessWeb收入囊中,后者当时已然是美国企业员工主要的餐饮提供商。

    By 2006 , when Philadelphia-based cafeteria operator ARAMARK bought the startup , it was the de facto meal provider for American corporate workers .

  19. 如果员工每天保持6小时以上的睡眠时间,每周至少5天这么做,那么他们就可以赚取数百点积分,并可在CRAZY办公楼的自助餐厅与咖啡馆内兑换成日元(100分=100日元)使用。

    If they manage to get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep per night , for at least five days a week , they stand to earn hundreds of points that can be converted into yen ( 100 points = 100 yen ) at the cafeterias and cafes in the CRAZY office building .

  20. 卡洛:可是那家自助餐厅卖得很贵,不是吗?

    Carlo : but it 's expensive , isn 't it ?

  21. 安娜:在一楼有一家自助餐厅。

    Anna : There 's a cafeteria on the ground floor .

  22. 他们走出自助餐厅,穿过广场

    They walk out of the cafeteria , and across the piazza

  23. 有时我在大学旁的自助餐厅见到他。

    Sometimes I see him at the cafeteria near the university .

  24. 好,你这里有没有自助餐厅或是快餐厅?

    Okay , do you have a cafeteria or a lunchroom ?

  25. 今天自助餐厅里有很多人。

    There is a mass of people in the cafeteria today .

  26. 咱们发起活动争取学校自助餐厅供应更棒的午餐吧。

    Let 's campaign for better lunches in the school cafeteria .

  27. 我在自助餐厅喝了一杯价格昂贵的咖啡。

    I had an overpriced cup of coffee in the cafeteria .

  28. 有两个人坐在办公大楼的自助餐厅里吃中餐。

    Two men sit down for lunch in the office cafeteria .

  29. 下了西班牙语课后,我和杰西卡一起去自助餐厅,一路上我都很警惕。

    I walked alertly to the cafeteria with Jessica after Spanish .

  30. 问:他们经常在一家自助餐厅吃吗?

    Q : did they usually eat in a cafeteria ?