
  • 网络self-organizing team
  1. 就在那一刻,团队成员开始交头接耳,他们在真正成为一个自组织团队上迈出了第一步。

    A subtle jolt of realization passed through the Team , and at that moment , they took their first step towards truly becoming a self-organizing Team .

  2. Scrum则基于不同的方式:自组织团队。

    Scrum is based on a different approach : The Self-Organizing Team .

  3. Esther建议可采取下列方针,以使自组织团队获得成功

    Esther suggested the following guidelines for making self organizing teams successful

  4. Galaxy团队已经进行Scrum几个月了,团队在成为真正的自组织团队上做的不错。

    The Galaxy Team had been doing Scrum for several months , and the Team was well on its way to being truly self-organizing .

  5. 你可以通过自组织团队来完成这件事,也可以通过规定采用由CIO颁布的架构来完成。

    You can do this with self organizing teams , or by prescribing an architecture that is ordained by the CIO .

  6. 现在团队也在更广的层面上成为了自组织团队。

    Now the team has also become self-organized to large extent .

  7. 架构必须是自组织团队的一部分。

    Architecture has to be part of the self organizing team .

  8. 为何说在软件世界中,自组织团队的工作效率更高?

    Q.Why do self-organising teams work more effectively in the software world ?

  9. 之所以说在软件世界中自组织团队的效率更高,主要在于以下几个方面

    Self-organizing teams can be highly effective in the software world in many ways

  10. 自组织团队展示和促进自治

    Self organising teams exhibit and promote autonomy

  11. 而自组织团队和风险团队在资源需求上有显著差异。

    Core Team as System Architect and Centralized Venture Team have indistinct difference , too .

  12. 自组织团队管理研究

    A Study of the Self-Organization Team Management

  13. 自组织团队的这个特性在快节奏、千变万化的软件世界中尤为重要。

    This property of self-organizing teams is particularly valuable in the fast-paced , ever-changing software world .

  14. 自组织团队面临的一个常见陷阱是他们常认为自组织团队不需要任何的管理。

    A common pitfall that self-organizing teams face is the perception that self-organizing teams do not need any management .

  15. 自组织团队关注于持续的改进,这样会使得他们所提供的业务解决方案具有创新性与创造力。

    Self-organizing teams are focused towards continuous improvement which drives innovation and creativity in the business solutions they provide .

  16. 对于想要建立自组织团队文化的组织来说,你对组织的管理人员有何建议呢?

    Q.What advice would you give to management in organisations that are trying to establish a culture of self-organising teams ?

  17. 为最初的学习和进行的试验预留一些空间对于自组织团队的成长与持续改进来说是非常重要的。

    Allowing some space of initial learning and on-going experimentation is important for self-organizing teams to grow and continuously improve .

  18. 下个月,在第3部分中,实践“自组织团队”将对此概念提供更多详细信息。

    Next month , in Part III , the practice " Self-Organizing Teams " will provide more details on this concept .

  19. 自组织团队面临的常见的陷阱与风险有哪些,该如何避免呢?

    Q.What are some of the common pitfalls and risks that self-organising teams face , and how can they avoid them ?

  20. 这有助于他们理解自组织团队的工作方式以及该如何对这样的团队提供支持。

    This will help them understand how self-organizing teams are meant to function and what is expected of them in supporting such teams .

  21. 其次,从管理学、心理学、经济学等角度提出自组织团队建立的理论基础。

    Then the article puts forward the theoretical basis of the founding of SORT through the angle of management , Psychology and Economics .

  22. 自组织团队是由积极主动的人构成的,他们能够全身心投入到任务当中,并且恪守对团队职责的承诺。

    Self-organizing teams are made up of motivated individuals that take ownership of their tasks and have commitment to their collective team responsibilities .

  23. 这些平衡有助于敏捷团队实现并维持自组织团队的3个条件[7]&自治、跨领域与自我超越。

    These balancing acts help Agile teams achieve and sustain three conditions of self-organization [ 7 ] - autonomy , cross-fertilization , and self-transcendence-respectively .

  24. 再次,从组织结构、程序、规模、人员选拔、机制等方面分析了自组织团队如何进行组织设计。

    Thirdly , the article argues the SORT organizational design methods , respectively from organization structures , procedures , scales , personnel selection and mechanism .

  25. 自组织团队会紧密协作并且与业务客户保持频繁的沟通,这确保了他们所构建的产品与应用能够很好地满足业务需求。

    Self-organizing teams collaborate closely and frequently with their business customers which ensures they build products and applications that are well aligned with business requirements .

  26. 随着团队在管理理论研究与实践中越来越受青睐,自组织团队作为一种新的团队形式,也受到了研究者和实践者的重视。

    With the increasing population of teams in management theory and practice , the self-organizing team as a new team mode is also paid much more attention in recent years .

  27. 软件开发团队可以通过采取一种或多种非正式、隐式、短暂与自发的角色以及平衡的敏捷实践成为自组织团队[1]。

    Software development teams go about becoming self-organizing by adopting one or more informal , implicit , transient , and spontaneous roles and by performing balanced Agile practices [ 1 ] .

  28. 因此,来自自组织团队的益处主人翁意识、专注、动力,对质量的自豪感、高昂的士气和更高的生产率将不可能实现。

    As a result , the benefits that flow from a self-organizing Team – ownership , focus , drive , pride in quality , improved morale , and better productivity – will likely not be realized .

  29. EstherDerby认为绝大多数迈向自组织的团队都面临两种极端的管理层介入情况

    Esther Derby suggested that most teams moving towards self organization face two extremes of manager involvement

  30. 一旦团队中每个人都理解了基本原则,那么ScrumMaster就可以隐入幕后,让自组织的团队自行应对扩展问题了。

    He suggested that , once everyone on the team understands the principles then , Scrum Masters can take a back seat and let the self organizing teams manage the scaling .