
  • 网络voluntary agreement;VAs;Voluntary Agreement-VA;Company Voluntary Agreement
  1. 自愿协议是发达国家广泛采用的减排CO2方式,目前中国已经引入了这种新的减排机制。

    Voluntary Agreement is widely adopted as the national policy for the CO2 emission reduction in many advanced countries and has been introduced to China as a new mechanism for the energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction .

  2. 委员会是根据一项自愿协议的条款成立的。

    The committee was set up under the terms of a voluntary agreement .

  3. 节能自愿协议在火电行业的应用

    The application of voluntary energy conservation agreement in coal-fired power plant

  4. 电子废弃物循环利用与自愿协议式管理

    Waste of Electronic and Electrical Equipment Recycle and Demonstration of Voluntary Approach

  5. 中国乡镇企业能效自愿协议活动初探

    Preliminary Study on Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises

  6. 节能自愿协议及其国际成功经验

    Voluntary Energy Conservation Protocol And Its International Successful Experience

  7. 引入自愿协议模式探讨

    Study on Introduction of Voluntary Agreement Mode

  8. 第二,比较全面的总结了国外环境自愿协议实践对我国环境自愿协议的启示。

    Second , I made a more comprehensive summary of revelation of the practice of foreign environmental voluntary agreement .

  9. 自愿协议是目前国际上应用最多的一种非强制性节能措施,它可以有效弥补单纯行政手段的不足。

    Voluntary agreements are among the non-mandatory energy conservation measures , used for most applications in the developed countries .

  10. 这是许多摈弃自愿协议,倡导立法的国家的经验。

    This experience is consistent in country after country , where voluntary agreements are abandoned in favour of legislation .

  11. 此学校要求签订自愿协议书,只叫最高一级学生补课。

    This school asks to sign voluntary agreement , cry only highest one class student makes up a missed lesson .

  12. 世界各国的实践表明,自愿协议在激励企业自觉节能和提高能效方面收到了极好的效果。

    Experience indicates that voluntary agreement produces good results in terms of promoting enterprises to conserve energy and improve energy efficiency .

  13. 节能自愿协议作为一种新兴的节能机制,成为国际上应用非常广泛的一种非强制性节能措施。

    Voluntary Agreement as a new energy-saving mechanism , a very wide range of applications in the international non-mandatory energy efficiency measures .

  14. 首先,环境自愿协议的顺利实施需要有良好的基础,这是环境自愿协议实施的前提。

    First , the smooth implementation of environmental voluntary agreement needs good foundation which is the premise of voluntary agreement environment implement .

  15. 第三,对环境环境自愿协议从开始制定到实施结束提出了比较合理化的监管建议。

    Third , I proposed feasible recommendations on environmental voluntary agreements from the beginning of the development to the end of implementation .

  16. 再次,环境自愿协议的监督和评估一定要做到位,否则该项制度就为权力寻租提供了天地。

    Again , supervision and evaluation of environmental voluntary agreement must do bit , otherwise this system provides occasion for power rent-seeking .

  17. 我国在在借鉴国外环境自愿协议实践经验的基础上,在2004年我国也开始了环境自愿协议的试点工作。

    Our country also began a environment voluntary agreement of pilot work on the basis of the practical experience of foreign countries in 2004 .

  18. 第三部分,阐述节能自愿协议的基本原则,保证制度在实施过程中不偏离设计初衷。

    The third part , set forth the basic principles of the Voluntary Agreement , to ensure the system is designed to not deviate from the implementation process .

  19. 参与自愿协议的20个成员企业每年排放约836万吨二氧化碳,在未来10年将把这一数字降低到669万吨。

    The 20 members of the voluntary agreement emit about 8.36m tonnes of carbon dioxide a year , and will cut this to 6.69m tonnes in the next decade .

  20. 各国应赞同、重并支持国家间根据地区的实际情况,在自行协商、判和自愿协议的基础上采取的军控与裁军措施。

    All nations should endorse , respect and support the arms control and disarmament measures adopted after voluntary consultation , negotiation and agreement between nations and in light of actual regional circumstances .

  21. 经过几年的试点,环境自愿协议取得了很大的成绩,虽然在试点过程中也存在问题,但是这些问题都是可以通过制度设计加以纠正的。

    After several years of experiment , environmental voluntary agreement made great achievements , although in the process of pilot also have problems , these problems can be corrected by system design .

  22. 能效自愿协议是行业组织或企业以节能和减排温室气体为目的自愿与政府签订的一种协议。

    Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement ( hereafter VA ) is an agreement voluntarily signed by an individual industrial organization or enterprise with the government , aiming at energy conservation and greenhouse gas emissions mitigation .

  23. 在环境自愿协议由试点推向全国的时候,加强环境自愿协议的理论研究,建立环境自愿协议制度,对指导环境自愿协议的实践具有重大的意义。

    In the process of development of environmental voluntary agreement to strengthen environmental voluntary agreement theory research and establish environmental voluntary agreement system have great significance to guide the practice of environmental voluntary agreement .

  24. 本文从我国实际出发,借鉴国外环境自愿协议的经验,吸取我国实践过程中的教训,提出构建我国环境自愿协议制度的几点建议。

    The paper puts forward some suggestions in the process of constructing environmental voluntary agreement system which is Based on our reality and referred of foreign practice experience of and draw lessons of domestic practice of environment voluntary agreement .

  25. 公众批评已迫使李明博及其政府推迟经济重组的计划,并且寻求美国限制发运牛肉的自愿协议,以减轻公众对疯牛病的害怕,即便相关牛肉已由国际检查员检查通过。

    Public criticism has forced Mr Lee and his government to delay economic restructuring plans and to seek the voluntary agreement of the us to restrict beef shipments to assuage public fears about mad cow disease , even though the meat has been cleared by international inspectors .

  26. 其次,环境自愿协议的核心内容是激励措施,我国环境自愿协议在试点过程中显露的主要问题也是激励措施,因此完善环境自愿协议的激励措施是推进其发展的最核心问题。

    Second , the core content of environmental voluntary agreement is incentive . In China the incentive is also the main problem of environmental voluntary agreement which is revealed in pilot process . So the core problem of the progress environment voluntary agreement is to perfect measures for the motivation .

  27. 上海市公共建筑实施自愿节能协议的必要性

    Necessity of carry into execution Voluntary Energy Conservation Agreements in public building of Shanghai

  28. 政治观、利益、生活水准和环境条件的不同,都让自愿达成协议变得更加困难。

    Differences in political values , interests , standards of living and environmental constraints all make reaching agreements voluntarily more difficult .

  29. 相反,它运用了一种与企业达成的自愿检验协议政策,尽管这种协议在法律上是难以实施的。

    Instead , it had adopted a policy of negotiating voluntary testing agreements with industry , though the agreements were not legally enforceable .

  30. 自愿节能协议是目前许多国家为提高能源利用效率所采取的一种管理模式。

    Voluntary energy conservation agreements are a good management model for improving energy utilizing efficiency , and are widely used in a great deal of industries in the world .