
This article discusses Chuxiong Meige music and associated cultural issues .
Cersei is as gentle as King Maegor , as selfless as Aegon the Unworthy , as wise as Mad Aerys .
A little walk and I 'll be home , I 'll be back with Tommen , in my own chambers inside Maegor 's Holdfast .
Hnewo Teyy , Migu , Chamu , Axi Xijjie and Ancestral Song of the Heaven and Earth are the five masterpieces of most popular epics among the Yi people .
An analysis of the mythological prototype in the epic poetry Meige of the Yi people ; However , I believe in the saying that two heads are better than one .
' Mei Ge'has no writing record , Bimo and singer are to learn all by using ear hear and heart memory , relapse performance and practice in various place , and forming into tradition'cerebrum text ' .
As the " Meige " is a " living form " of the epic and the " Chamu " as Yi classics and saved . They had generated and transmitted in their own cultural and ecological environment .
In article the author made some points for the traditional classification of Meige by classifying Bimo tune into the category of Meige music from the perspective of musicology for the first time , summarized and classified on Meige music features by analyzing examples of music scores .
The resulting conflict left countless dead and was countered by King Maegor I Targaryen with such brutality ( at one point he bestowed cash rewards on anyone who brought the head of an enemy combatant ) that he was forever referred to as Maegor the Cruel .