
  • 网络merkel cell;Merkel's cell
  1. 此病毒最早发现于梅克尔细胞癌患者,这是一种罕见的侵袭性皮肤恶性肿瘤,主要发生于免疫抑制的老年人。

    The virus was first discovered in patients with Merkel cell carcinoma , a rare , aggressive skin cancer that occurs mainly in the elderly and people with a suppressed immune system .

  2. 起初认为此病毒只能引起梅克尔细胞癌,但是我们的发现表明这种病毒的存在比我们认为的要广泛。

    Originally it was thought that this virus caused only this rare skin cancer , but our findings indicate that it is a lot more prevalent than we initially thought .