
  • 网络Mele
  1. 梅莱承认,这本书着眼的重点是广度,而不是深度。

    As Mele acknowledges , the book goes wide rather than deep .

  2. 年,来自费城宾夕法尼亚大学的查尔斯·凯恩和尤金·梅莱消除了一半的阻碍。

    In2005 , Charles Kane and Eugene Mele of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia did away with half of that objection .

  3. 要是你跟梅莱先生上路的时候我不在家,我会非常难过的,先生。

    I should have been very sorry not to have been at home when you and Mr.

  4. 梅莱太太把一根手指放在唇边,眼睛直视着他的脸,说道。

    Maylie , laying her finger on her lip , as she looked steadily into his face ;

  5. 尽管新科技赋予了那些曾经被忽视的小公司更大的能量,尼科•梅莱却告诫说,这将会导致预料之外的后果。

    While new technology has given the once overlooked little guys more power , Mele cautions that it comes with unintended consequences .