
  • 网络Merry
  1. 梅利和皮平在桌子上边唱边跳。

    Merry and Pippin are dancing and singing on a table .

  2. 梅利:你们必须把我们装在麻袋里送回家去以阻止我们!

    Merry : you 'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us !

  3. 第一个词来自于希腊神话:月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯将被杀死的梅利埃格的悲伤姐妹变成了珍珠鸡(guineafowl)。

    The first name comes from a Greek myth in which the goddess Artemis turned the grieving sisters of the slain Meleager into guinea fowls .

  4. 梅利帮她收拾东西,看上去有些抑郁和忧愁。

    Melly helped her pack , looking morose and sad .

  5. 梅利!亲爱的,请快一点,饭就要凉了!

    Melly ! Dear , please hurry , the food is getting cold !

  6. “他骚扰你了,是吗?”梅利温厚问道。

    " He upset you , didn 't he ?" Melly asked gently .

  7. 梅利暗示索姆威勒那个家伙已经和劳拉很亲密了。

    Melly had implied that this man Summerville had been intimate with Nora .

  8. 梅利赶快看了一下周围,但没人注意到他抓着她。

    Melly looked around quickly , but no one had noticed his possessive hold .

  9. 梅利只和巴顿跳了一曲,喜欢他为舞伴,很快乐。

    Melly danced only once with Cal , enjoying his easy company and ready smile .

  10. 可是你知道我对那样的男人不可能会是认真的,梅利。

    But you know that I could not become serious about such a man , Melly .

  11. 卡尔梅利纳可能都要到家了,但我可以把她叫回来。

    Carmelina 's probably halfway home with it , but I can make her walk back .

  12. 梅利十分同意,想到她象劳拉一样而感到遗憾。

    Melly agreed quietly , thinking that she felt as sorry for Nora as she did for herself .

  13. 我叔叔梅利从纽约回来后,老加勒尔又来看他了。

    When my Uncle Mellie came back from New York , his old Uncle Garol visited him again .

  14. 劳拉双手微微哆嗦,但她力争保持平稳和自若,年轻的梅利就做不到。

    Nora 's own hands were none too steady , but she had poise and composure that young Melly lacked .

  15. “天那,劳拉,出了什么事?!”看着她表姐的样子,梅利急着问。

    " Heavens , Nora , what happened ?!" Melly exclaimed when she saw the condition her cousin was in .

  16. 梅利穿着白色丝纱,海伦姨妈穿着黑色波纹稠,但是她们的珠宝都是绚烂多彩的。

    Melly wore white organdy , and Aunt Helen wore black taffeta , but their jewelry was made of rhinestones .

  17. 一封是发给切特赛的罗斯伯恩医生的,另一封是给梅利夫人的儿子哈里·梅利的。

    One was to Dr Losberne in Chertsey , the other to Harry May lie , Mrs May lie 's son .

  18. 不同的人生,相同的命运:两位女主人翁《玩偶之家》中娜拉与《匹格梅利翁》中伊莉莎的对比研究

    Different Life , Same Destiny : A Comparative Analysis of Two Heroines Nora in a Doll 's House and Eliza in Pygmalion

  19. 不知道怎样向可怜的梅利解释她耽搁了那么长的时间,多少还有她的样子。

    She didn 't know how she was going to explain her long absence to poor Melly , much less her appearance .

  20. 到了第二天早晨,她仍高烧不退,梅利夫人和奥利弗担心她会死去。

    By the next morning she was in a dangerous fever , and Mrs May lie and O liver were afraid she might die .

  21. 奥利弗现在长得很健壮了,他非常喜欢罗斯和梅利夫人她们也同样喜欢他。

    O liver was now a strong and healthy boy , and very fond of Rose and Mrs May lie as They were of him .

  22. 他还在凝思那不兴的打击,她已经下了马车,跑到梅利那里,敏捷蹬上了另外一辆马车。

    While he was absorbing that unpleasant blow , she climbed out of the buggy and ran to Melly and climbed swiftly into the other buggy .

  23. 老汉走了,第二天我的叔叔梅利坐上火车横穿美国直到纽约。

    The old man went away , and the next day my uncle Mellie got aboard the train and traveled straight across America to New York .

  24. 梅利问,他们站在放着开胃食品桌旁,那有一个巨大的烛台,照着银咖啡器皿和银盘里的开胃食品。

    Melly asked when they were standing around the hors d'oeuvres table , where a huge candelabra lit the silver coffee service and savories on silver trays .

  25. “有,”梅利冷漠犹豫说,因为她知道他伤害了她的表姐。“她在英格兰。”

    " Yes ," Melly said hesitantly , cool because she knew he 'd hurt her cousin . " She 's staying in England with some cousins . "

  26. 倘若劳拉有意违背她自己的习俗,也不愿意使她的姨妈和姨夫感到羞辱,间或坏了梅利的美好姻缘的机会。

    Even if Nora had been willing to defy convention on her own , she couldn 't shame her aunt and uncle or spoil Melly 's chances of marrying well .

  27. “我想单独待一会,梅利,”劳拉说着就走到了前门。“我掉了一只手套。”

    " I 'll be along in just a minute , Melly ," Nora said as she went to the front door . " I dropped one of my gloves . "

  28. 房屋的主人梅利太太年纪比较大一些,可是她的侄女罗斯是一位十七岁的小姐,她安详的美貌和温柔的魅力赢得了每个人的心。

    The owner of the house , Mrs May lie , was an older woman , but her niece , Rose , was a girl of seventeen , whose quiet beauty and gentle charm won all hearts .

  29. 三位和平奖得主&南非大主教德斯蒙德•图图、北爱尔兰的梅利艾德•马奎尔和来自阿根廷的阿道夫•法勒斯丘韦要求今年不要支付其120万美元的奖金。

    Three Peace Prize laureates - South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu , Mairead Maguire of Northern Ireland and Adolfo Perez Esquivel from Argentina ? have demanded the US $ 1.2 million prize money not be paid this year .