
qīng jiāo
  • green pepper;green cayenne pepper
青椒 [qīng jiāo]
  • [green cayenne pepper] 一种大个的绿色辣椒

青椒[qīng jiāo]
  1. CO2激光照射对青椒、茄子种子及幼苗生长点超弱发光影响的研究

    Influence of CO 2 Laser Radiation for SuperWeak Luminescence of Seed and Seedling Growing Point on Green Pepper and Eggplant

  2. 低剂量CO2激光对茄子、青椒叶绿体超微结构影响的初步观察

    A primary study on the effect of irridiation of low dose of co_2 laser to the chloroplast structure of Eggplant and green pepper

  3. 她先做的一道菜是青椒煎小牛肉,趁着锅还在火上偎着的机会,又做了一道拼盘。

    She sauteed veal and peppers , preparing a mixed salad while the pan simmered .

  4. 速冻青椒在贮存中Vc含量及过氧化物酶活性的变化

    Change of Vc Content and Peroxidase Activity for Green Pepper in storge

  5. 基于AutoCAD软件确定番茄与青椒叶面积的简易方法

    Simple model for tomato and green pepper leaf area based on AutoCAD software

  6. 分析了臭氧处理对L-抗坏血酸(Vc)和还原糖的影响,试验表明臭氧对于Vc纯品和青椒浆中的Vc有很高的降解率;

    The effects of ozone treatment on Vc and reducing sugar were evaluated in this paper .

  7. CO2激光照射种子对青椒节位花期及增产效应的研究

    A Study on Flower Nodal Position , Flowering Period and the Yield-increasing of Green Capsicum by CO_2 Laser Irradiating its Seeds

  8. 叙述了四种苹果、青椒、柿子等新鲜水果和蔬菜的~(60)Co辐射保鲜情况。

    The 6o radiation preservation technique which was used to preserve persimmons , green peppers and four varieties of apple was studied .

  9. 空间搭载与高能重离子诱发青椒变异的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of pepper variations induced by space flight and high energy and heavy ion beam

  10. 天津郊区青椒病毒种群与CMV株系分化研究初报

    A Preliminary Identification of Pepper Viruses and CMV Strains in Tianjin Suburb

  11. 食用富含维他命C的食品也能增加铁的吸收,例如青椒,柑橘类水果和果汁,草莓,番茄,西兰花和叶菜。

    Eating foods rich in vitamin C , such as green peppers , citrus fruits and juices , strawberries , tomatoes , broccoli , and leafy greens , also increases iron absorption .

  12. 青椒碱对DEN诱发大鼠肝癌抑制作用的流式细胞光度术分析

    Flow Cytometric Analysis of the Schinifoline 's Inhibition on Rat Hepatoma Cell Induced by DEN

  13. 喷肥对青椒过氧化物酶活性、Vc和蛋白质含量,以及它们的贮期变化率都有不同程度的影响。

    The result of biochemistry analysis indicated that leaf spray fertilizer had different effect on the peroxdase activities and the contents of Vc and protein of peeper fruit .

  14. 富含维生素c的食品包括柑桔类水果和果汁,球茎甘蓝,花椰菜,白豆,红椒和青椒,花茎甘蓝,土豆和甘薯,西红柿,西瓜,密瓜和甜瓜。

    Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits and juices ; brussels sprouts , cauliflower , snow peas , red and green peppers broccoli , white and sweet potatoes , tomatoes , watermelon , honeydew melon and cantaloupe .

  15. 因为他们有一个Twinkie,我不得不削减了青椒支。

    Because they had a Twinkie and I had cut up green pepper sticks .

  16. PQQ存在于豆酱中,还有香芹,绿茶,青椒和猕猴桃。

    PQQ is found in fermented soybeans and also in parsley , green tea , green peppers and kiwi fruit .

  17. 四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,搭配使用青椒和pricklyash,产生出经典的刺激的味道。

    Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor , Sichuan cuisine , prolific of tastes , emphasizes on the use of chili . Pepper and prickly ash also never fail to accompany , producing typical exciting tastes .

  18. 沼液对青椒的产量具有明显的影响,其中以处理T2(50%)产量最高,为78456kg/hm2。

    Anaerobic processed liquid livestock manures had obvious influence on the output of the green peppers , in which the output of T2 was highest . The yield per hm2 was 78 456 kg .

  19. 低温(1±1)℃条件下,精胺处理可有效抑制青椒果实的呼吸强度,减少果实叶绿素和Vc含量的分解及MDA的积累,延缓相对电导率上升,降低果实腐烂指数和冷害指数的上升。

    Spermine treatments could restrain respiratory intensity significantly , reduce the decomposition of Chlorophyll and Vitamin C , inhibit the rising of relative electrical conductivity and MDA content , decreased the rising of rot index and chilling index at ( 1 ± 1 )℃ .

  20. 以青椒为材料,研究了20kV/m、60kV/m、100kV/m高压静电场处理对青椒的腐烂率、果实Vc含量及乙烯释放量的影响。

    We use green pepper as experimental material to explore the effect of 20kv / m , 60kv / m , 100kv / m high voltage static electric field ( HVEF ) on the decomposing rate , the containment change of vitamin C and ethylene , s release .

  21. 青椒在0~2℃下贮藏30d,对照组冷害严重,失重、皱缩,丧失新鲜状态,腐烂率较高,商品果率仅14.22%。

    After sweet peppers were stored at 0 ~ 2 ℃ for 30 days , control fruits suffered severe chilling injury and weight-loss and higher decay percent , so the fresh fruit percent was only 14.22 % .

  22. 大蒜生姜抑菌在青椒调味品非热加工中最佳成分比例为食盐17%,大蒜20%,生姜15%,pH4。

    The optimum conditions of non-thermal processing of garlic inhibition to bacteria on green pepper sauce were : salt content 17 % , garlic content 20 % , ginger content 15 % , pH4 .

  23. 贮前50℃10min或53℃5min热水浸泡处理极显著降低了2℃贮藏青椒的冷害,显著抑制了膜透性的上升。

    50 ℃ hot water dip 10 minutes or 53 ℃ 5 minute ( prestorage heat treatment ) significantly alleviated chilling injury and manifestly hindered increase in membrane permeability of pepper fruits stored at 2 ℃ .

  24. 进一步研究熏蒸时间和温度对青椒精油及红椒精油熏蒸活性的影响,结果表明熏蒸时间越长,LC50值越小;

    In a further research of the effect of fumigation duration and temperature on the fumigation activity of red and green prickly ash essential oils , LC_ ( 50 ) s decreased with increasing treatment duration and the corrected mortality increased with treatment temperature .

  25. 突变菌株3-10对青椒储藏期病害的防治效果优于F-1和UV-46,对储藏期草莓灰霉病的防治效果三株菌株没有显著性差异。

    The effect of the volatile substances produced by mutant strain 3-10 to control post-harvest diseases of green peper was significantly better than strains F-1 and UV-46 . There is no significant difference of the three strains in control of postharvest botrytis fruit rot of strawberry .

  26. 这是青椒洋葱炒牛肉。

    Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion .

  27. 渗灌条件下水分胁迫对青椒的节水效应研究

    Water-saving Effects of Different Soil Moisture on Pepper under Subsurface Irrigation

  28. 不同涂膜贮藏对青椒亚硝酸盐含量的影响研究

    Influence of Nitrite Content on Green Pepper Coated Differently During Storage

  29. 香料植物。肉豆蔻,肉桂,丁香,香料或青椒。

    Spice Plants-Nutmeg , Cinnamon , Clove , Allspice or Pimento .

  30. 我要放一点青椒。

    I 'm gonna take a little bit of green pepper .