
qīng shān
  • green hill
青山 [qīng shān]
  • [green hill] 长满绿色植物的山

  • 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧

青山[qīng shān]
  1. 这个老人在赞美遥远的青山。

    The old man was singing of a green hill far away .

  2. 这使得青山地区处于暴晒中,气候变得干燥。

    That 's left normally green hill sites brown and turn to dry .

  3. 满目青山夕照明。

    On all sides , verdant sunset-bathed hills greet the eye .

  4. 四周青山突起,又高又陡。

    All around it rose , high and steep , the green hills .

  5. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。

    As long as the green hills are there , one need not worry about firewood .

  6. 他们跋山涉水,步行二百余公里,来到了一个青山环抱的小村庄。

    Across hills and rivers , they walked more than two hundred kilometres and arrived at a little hamlet nestling in the green mountains .

  7. 眉似青山,眼如秋水

    Her eyebrows had the aspect of hills in spring , and her eyes -- reflections of an autumn stream .

  8. 我们还要咬定青山不放松,脚踏实地加油干,努力绘就乡村振兴的壮美画卷,朝着共同富裕的目标稳步前行。

    We still need to stay tenacious31 like a bamboo deeply rooted in the rocks , keep our feet on the ground , and work hard to paint a magnificent picture of rural vitalization , and steadily32 march ahead towards the goal of common prosperity .

  9. 采用高灵敏度野外X荧光分析系统,对四川会理小青山铜矿进行了勘探。

    A high sensitivity X-ray fluorescence analyzer for fieldwork is presented .

  10. 青山口组以G3砂体为界,其下是层序1的湖泊扩张体系域,其上是层序1的湖泊萎缩体系域。

    The formation inside its is lake expanding system tract of sequence 1 , and on its is lake contracting system tract .

  11. 用琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术,对山东青山羊精子中LDH同工酶进行研究。

    LDH isozymes in sperm of the grey goat were studied by agarose gel electrophoresis .

  12. 不同营养水平的日粮添加尿素对青山羊瘤胃内PH值、氨氮和原虫数的影响

    The Effect of Adding Urea to Ration of Different Nutritional Levels upon the pH Ammonia Nitrogen and Number of Protozoa in Rumen of Grey Goats

  13. 青山镇的男人和cooper比起来都太无趣了。

    The boys in tree hill are so boring compared to cooper .

  14. 内蒙古大青山地区早前寒武纪变质岩的锆石Hf同位素组成和稀土模式

    Hf Isotope Composition and REE Pattern of Zircons from Early Precambrian Metamorphic Rocks in the Daqing Mountains , Inner Mongolia

  15. 济宁青山羊DD和DE基因型之间产羔数的最小二乘均值差异不显著(P0.05)。

    The difference of LSM for litter size between DD and DE was non-significant ( P0.05 ) in Jining Grey goats .

  16. 扩增产物经过6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳后银染,结果2只体细胞克隆山羊的微卫星DNA指纹与供体细胞完全相同,而且不同于其受体母亲也不同于其他所有同品种不同个体的对照青山羊。

    The microsatellite DNA fingerprints of the two somatic cloned goats are the same as the donor , but are different from the recipient goat and all the control grey goats .

  17. 柳井正把宇部与约翰•福特《青山翠谷》(JohnFord’sHowGreenWasMyValley)中坚忍不拔的威尔士煤矿山村相提并论,这部影片讲述了对环境与社会的过度掠夺。

    Yanai compares Ube with the gritty Welsh mining village in John Ford 's How Green Was My Valley , a film about environmental and social despoilment .

  18. 现在想像您自己处在意大利里维埃拉的一个中世纪的小镇,周围是SouthernMaritime阿尔卑斯的青山环绕,离法国尼斯不远。

    Now imagine yourself in a medieval town nestled in the lush folds of the Southern Maritime Alps , not too far from Nice , France , in the Italian Riviera .

  19. FG基因型济宁青山羊产羔数最小二乘均值比FF基因型的多0.76只(P<0.05)。

    The Jining Grey does with genotype FG had 0.76 ( P < 0.05 ) kids more than those with genotype FF .

  20. cm,本方法应用于环境水样(青山湖水样)中亚硝酸根的测定,加标回收率96.90±2.07%。

    The method was applied to the determining of the nitrite in Qing Shang Lake , and When the water sample was added the standard sample , the recycle rate was 96.90 ± 2.07 % .

  21. LHR基因在济宁青山羊发情周期不同阶段子宫中表达差异的研究

    Different Expression of LHR mRNA in the Uterus of Four Estrous Cycle Phases in Jining Gray Goat

  22. 本文介绍了日本青山PW先生独创的一种企业诊断方法-RECS方法,阐明了RECS方法的基本概念、基本方法和实施步骤。

    This paper introduces an enterprise diagnosing method & RECS method proposed by Japan Mr Aoyama . PW .

  23. 青山口花岗岩体位于矿区西约2~3km,有研究者认为金矿床成因上与花岗岩体有关。

    Qingshankou granitic body is about 2 ~ 3 km in the west of the mining area .

  24. 1942年,她的小说处女作《目的地重庆》出版,小说以她在二战期间的经历为底本。她的畅销书《青山青》(TheMountainIsYoung)1958年在美国出版,讲述的是她在尼泊尔的一次旅行的故事。

    Her 1942 debut novel , ' Destination Chungking , ' was based on her experiences during World War II , while her best-seller ' The Mountain Is Young , ' released in the U.S. in 1958 , is rooted in a trip she took to Nepal .

  25. 济宁青山羊多羔性候选基因BMP15的研究

    Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 as a Candidate Gene for Prolificacy of Jining Grey Goat

  26. 他们一般喜欢购买公认是最时尚街区周边的房产,像青山(Aoyama)、赤坂、麻布(Azabu)和六本木(Roppongi),当地人称之为“三A一R”。

    They tend to prefer properties in the neighborhoods considered the most fashionable : Aoyama , Akasaka , Azabu and Roppongi , referred to locally as ' 3As and an R. '

  27. 用琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术,在青山羊精子LDH酶谱中发现一条新的谱带,称为LDH-X酶带。LDH-X酶带位置在LDH-4与LDH-5之间。

    A new spectrum band , named LDH-X , was found in the patterns of LDH isozymes in sperm of the grey goat by agarose gel electrophoresis .

  28. 青山羊(Capra,hircus)小肠凝集素的分离、纯化及性质研究

    Studies on the Isolation , Purification , and Some Properties of the Lectin from Grey Goat ( Capra , hircus ) Intestine

  29. 内蒙大青山煤田CP2煤段含粘土岩夹矸多达40余层。

    The coal member CP 2 of Daqing Mountain coalfield , and has more than 40 beds of tonsteins at most .

  30. 本文对大青山阴坡中部油松人工林地土壤水分、物理特性及林冠截留等进行了研究,主要研究结果如下:(1)林地土层厚度为35cm~104cm。

    The soil water characteristics , the soil physical characteristics and the canopy interception of Pinus tabulaeformis plantation were studied in the middle shady slope of Daqing Mountain . The results showed that : ( 1 ) The thickness of the soil layer was 35 ~ 104cm .