
  • 网络Roppongi;tokyo city view
  1. 去年,伦敦高档住宅开发商高富诺(GrosvenorLtd.)位于六本木的Westminster项目推出了20套重新修葺一新的公寓,部分单位成交价高达每平方英尺1941美元(约合每平米人民币13万元)。

    When Grosvenor Ltd. , a London-based developer of luxury residential properties , offered 20 renovated apartments in the Westminster in Roppongi last year , some units fetched $ 1941 per square foot .

  2. 他们一般喜欢购买公认是最时尚街区周边的房产,像青山(Aoyama)、赤坂、麻布(Azabu)和六本木(Roppongi),当地人称之为“三A一R”。

    They tend to prefer properties in the neighborhoods considered the most fashionable : Aoyama , Akasaka , Azabu and Roppongi , referred to locally as ' 3As and an R. '

  3. 在荷兰,阿斯米尔(Aalsmeer)鲜花市场每天会有2000万朵色彩艳丽的鲜花上市;而东京清晨的筑地鱼市(Tsukijifishmarket),其迷人程度足以与六本木(Roppongi)的夜店争夺游客的注意力。

    The Aalsmeer auctions in the Netherlands burst with the colour of more than 20 million flowers a day , while Tokyo 's early-morning Tsukiji fish market ( lovingly described on page 16 ) is enthralling enough to compete for tourist attention with the nightclubs of Roppongi .

  4. 她喜欢享受六本木的夜生活。

    She was enjoying the Roppongi nightlife .

  5. 同时,对六本木区的技术人员来说,那里有超级豪华的东西。

    Meanwhile , for a techie bent in the more polished Roppongi district , there 's Super Deluxe .

  6. 六本木曾经是二战后美军的基地,现在成为众多餐馆和酒吧聚集的地方。

    Roppongi has been home to large numbers of restaurants and bars since the suburb was home to a U.S.

  7. 在六本木新城的森大厦&游客们站在位于52层的观景台尽情眺望东京风光。

    Visitors at'Tokyo City View ' , the observation deck on the52nd floor of the Mori Tower at Roppongi Hills in Tokyo , Japan .

  8. 这台由日本艺术家矢延宪司制作的机器人是在六本木举行的此次活动上的重要艺术设施之一。

    The robot , created by Japanese artist Kenji Yanobe , is one of the main art installations for the event in the Roppongi Hills neighborhood .

  9. 如今,这些空荡荡的办公室赫然提醒着人们,仍然留在野村的前雷曼银行家可能很快就会离开他们的新办公室,就像当初他们迅速搬出六本木新城一样。

    Now , the empty offices remain as a stark reminder that the ex-Lehman bankers it still retains could abandon their new workplace just as quickly as they moved out of Roppongi Hills .

  10. 豪华现代的国际酒店相继进驻东京,有六本木的君悦酒店、汐留的港丽酒店和无比雅致的东方文华酒店,诱人地巍然耸立于日本桥上。

    Modern , luxury international hotels have opened one after the other , with the Roppongi Grand Hyatt , the Conrad in Shiodome and the supremely elegant Mandarin Oriental perched above Nihonbashi among the slickest offerings .

  11. 去年10月,野村收购了雷曼在亚洲、欧洲和中东的大部分业务。当时,野村不得不把数百名雷曼员工迅速转移到自己位于六本木新城以北、空间局促的办公室中。

    When Nomura acquired the bulk of Lehman 's Asian , European and Middle Eastern operations last October , it had to transfer hundreds of Lehman employees quickly to its cramped offices further north in the city .