
  • 网络cabo;Luigi;Cappuccino;Cabu;Cappu
  1. 我那时没有追求乔斯林,也没邀请她去卡布。

    I didn 't pursue jocelyn , I don 't recall inviting her to cabo .

  2. 海莉上一次跟我说她的计划时,她说,“我要去卡布了,不带你哦。”

    The last time Haley informed me of her plans , she said , " Ha ha . I 'm going to Cabo , and you 're not . "

  3. 舞台上,卡布在尽情演绎着一首久远的年代里曾流行过的歌。

    At the stage , my friend , a beauty , was singing a old popular song that used to be .

  4. 早上七点醒来,我冲了个澡,穿上父母认为得体的衣服:黄色的卡布其裤子,干净的白色衬衫。

    Waking up at seven , I showered and wore what my parents thought best : khaki pants and a clean white shirt .

  5. 委员会在法令的授权下仅可以决定某个具体项目是否符合迪卡布县公民的利益以及是否应该给予资助。

    The Commission is empowered under the Act to decide only whether a particular project is in the best interest of the citizens of DeKalb County and therefore should be funded .

  6. 大卫·范恩2011年的小说《卡布里岛》也是一样的调调,里面有作者的出生地,阿拉斯加的美景,还有自杀的父亲,以及父亲自杀后那支离破碎的家庭。

    His 2011 novel , " Caribou Island , " similarly retraced the Alaskan landscape of his youth to consider the disintegration of a family in the wake of a parent 's suicide .