
  • 网络Rhodes;Rhode;ROD;road;Rode
  1. 在柏林,“理想抱负可能是一个消极的词”,伦敦经济学院的菲利浦罗德说。

    In Berlin " aspiration can be a negative word ," says Philipp Rode of the London School of Economics .

  2. 亲爱的罗德:这一个多星期我一直为了我的告别演说辞忙个不停,我边写边修改,现在终于对它感到满意了。

    Hi Rode , I 've been engaged in writing and embellishing my valedictorian speech for more than one week , and I 'm finally satisfied with it . All that I should do is to memorize it .

  3. 罗德和菲尔两人都是足球迷。

    Both Rod and Phil are football fanatics .

  4. 客户最终也会被作为一种参考,特别是多萝西·谢弗的喜好,她能够成为罗德与泰勒百货销售教据的指向。

    The consumer was ultimately to be mentioned as well , especially by the likes of Dorothy Shaver , who could point to the sales figures at Lord & Taylor .

  5. 很多人都这样。现在来自罗德岛布朗大学的研究人员认为他们知道原因了。

    Lots of people do . And now researchers from Brown University in Rhode Island think they know why .

  6. W:罗德,最近怎么样?

    W : How are things going , Roald ?

  7. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)的分析师罗德o拉切给该股设定了310美元的目标价格。

    Rod Lache of Deutsche Bank has attached a $ 310 price target on the stock .

  8. 从罗德岛设计学院(RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign)毕业后,我在洛杉矶一家小型工业设计公司找到了工作。

    When I graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design , I got a job at a small industrial design firm in LA .

  9. 你跟大家说Eric去,罗德岛看爷爷了是吧。

    You told everyone Eric 's just , visiting grandpa in Rhode Island .

  10. 这也是德意志银行(DeutscheBank)汽车业分析师罗德?拉奇(RodLache)预想的结果。

    It 's the kind of thing envisioned by Deutsche Bank auto analyst Rod Lache .

  11. EricPeterson是东北部罗德岛St.George'sSchool学校的校长。

    Eric Peterson is the head of St. George 's School in the northeastern state of Rhode Island .

  12. RoseMcDermott是罗德岛布朗大学政治心理学家。

    Rose McDermott is a political psychologist at Brown University in Providence , Rhode Island .

  13. 我猜猜…grandpa:(口语)爷爷,外公Rhode:罗德island:岛你跟大家说Eric去,罗德岛看爷爷了是吧。

    Serena : Let me guess ... You told everyone Eric 's just , visiting grandpa in Rhode Island . -

  14. 在该镇的一端有个小型的公共海滩,而在另一端罗德岛的沃奇·希尔(WatchHill)则有个大得多的海滩,开车大约20分钟可到。

    There 's a small public beach at the tip of town and another , much larger one in Watch Hill , R.I. , about a 20-minute drive away .

  15. 其结果就是,在美国即将开始工业化时,普利茅斯石鸡(PlymouthRock)和罗德岛红鸡(RhodeIslandRed)这样的著名品种问世了。

    The results were famous varieties , like the Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red , that appeared just as the nation began to industrialize .

  16. 再想想伊利诺斯州州长罗德•布拉戈耶维奇(RodBlagojevich),他被指控企图卖掉巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)的参议员席位。

    Think too of the Illinois governor , Rod Blagojevich , accused of trying to sell Barack Obama 's Senate seat .

  17. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)的老牌分析师罗德•拉什认为,3月份,由于通用汽车砍掉了1000多美元的单位营销激励成本,其市场份额跌到了17%左右。

    Veteran analyst rod lache of Deutsche Bank figures that GM cut incentives by more than $ 1,000 in March , and its share fell to the 17 % range .

  18. 现在,在上月,CentralFall学区解雇了高中的所有教师,罗德岛频频登上报纸头条。

    Now , in steps , Rhode Island which made headlines last month as you know when the Central Fall School District fired every teacher at its high school after it was designated the worst in the state .

  19. 伍尔夫(VirginiaWoolf)为寻求灵感而行走,她从家乡南唐斯的罗德麦尔出发,在伦敦的公园里漫步。

    Virginia Woolf walked for inspiration . She walked out from her homeat Rodmell in the South Downs . She wandered through London 's parks .

  20. 对于罗德岛检察官彼得内龙哈(peterneronha)宣布的协议,谷歌未立即予以置评。

    Google had no immediate comment on the pact announced by Rhode Island prosecutor Peter neronha .

  21. 2006年,一只名叫Oscar的猫预言了罗德岛一家私人疗养院里一些病人的死亡,这让专家们十分困惑。

    In 2006 , a cat named Oscar confounded experts by " predicting " the deaths of a number of residents at a Rhode Island nursing home .

  22. 苏世民学者硕士学位项目为期一年,其遴选过程部分参照了牛津大学的罗德奖学金(Rhodesscholarships)项目。

    The yearlong Schwarzman Scholars master 's degree program has a selection process modeled partly on the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford University .

  23. 随着阿勒戴斯即将从罗德手上接管纽卡,pearson对于自己的未来并没有把握。

    Pearson is also unsure about his own future , with Sam Allardyce expected to take over as manager following the departure of Glenn Roeder a week ago .

  24. 托尼的朋友“罗德上校”(Col.James“Rhodey”Rhodes)也有自己的“钢铁爱国者”(IronPatriot)战甲,它是一套更新换代并且新刷了涂料的“战争机器”(WarMachine)战衣。

    Tony 's friend Col. James ' Rhodey ' Rhodes ( Don Cheadle ) has his Iron Patriot suit , which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint .

  25. 9月,罗德岛医疗许可与纪律委员会(RhodeIslandBoardofMedicalLicensureandDiscipline)谴责称,罗森伯格为没有受癌痛困扰的病人开Subsys,而且没有正确地记录原因。

    In September , Dr. Rosenberg was reprimanded by the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline for prescribing Subsys to patients without cancer pain and failing to properly document the reasons .

  26. 高温超导的罗德,ABS的固墙系统可结合使用,或没有,我们的综合地面系统,使之更加灵活的市场比其他系统目前可用。

    The R ö DER HTS , ABS solid walling system can be used in conjunction with , or without , our integrated flooring systems making it more flexible than other systems currently available on the market .

  27. 然而,当美国罗德岛大学的hollym.dunsworth和她的同事们验证这项所谓的产科悖论,她们得出的结论与预测并不匹配。

    But when Holly M. dunsworth of the University of Rhode Island and her colleagues tested this so-called obstetrical dilemma hypothesis , their findings did not match its predictions .

  28. GlassesOff首席执行长尼姆罗德・马达尔(NimrodMadar)表示,任何人都可以使用该产品。

    Anyone can use the product , says GlassesOff Chief Executive Nimrod Madar .

  29. 美国罗德岛洲的一位女观众对《早安美国》主持人LaraSpencer说,如果没有《奥普拉温弗瑞脱口秀》看的话,那她都不知道下午该干什么了。

    The Rhode Island woman told Good Morning America anchor Lara Spencer that she 's not sure what she 'll do with her afternoons without the show .

  30. 管理该奖学金项目的查尔斯·康恩(CharlesConn)来自美国,也曾是一名罗德学者。他对在中国可能会遇到政治干预的担心不以为意。

    Charles Conn , who manages the scholarship program and is a former Rhodes scholar from the United States , dismissed the concerns expressed over possible political interference in China .