
  • 网络Carmarthen;Carmarthenshire;Caerfyrddin;Kamasin
  1. 如果我没记错的话,那是在卡马森的一个停车场内。

    As I recall , but correct me if I 'm wrong , it was in a car park in Carmarthen .

  2. 婚礼仍在卡马森举行,不过这次我们去兰萨罗特岛度了蜜月。

    The wedding was again in Carmarthen , except this time we went on honeymoon to Lanzarote .

  3. 我1955年出生在英国卡马森郡海边村庄pendine附近。

    I was born in 1955 , near the seaside village of Pendine , Carmarthenshire .

  4. 她在卡马森郡卡贝尔伊万市的家中养了七只会下蛋的母鸡,但她也不能确定是哪只下了那枚顶针般大小的鸡蛋。

    She keeps seven hens which lay eggs at the family home at Capel Iwan , Carmarthenshire - but shes not sure which laid the thimble-sized egg .