
hú lu kē
  • Cucurbitaceae;a plant of the gourd family
  1. 采用SSR和RAPD标记研究黄瓜属(葫芦科)的系统发育关系

    Phylogenetic relationships in Cucumis ( Cucurbitaceae ) revealed by SSR and RAPD analyses

  2. 葫芦科作物属种间RAPD多态性分析

    Analysis of Genomic DNA Polymorphism in the Species and Genuses of Cucurbitaceae by RAPD Technique

  3. 目的研究葫芦科苦瓜属植物苦瓜Momordicacharantia的未成熟果实的化学成分。

    Objective To study the chemical constituents in the immature fruits of Momordica charantia .

  4. 绞股蓝皂甙(gypenosides,Gyp)为葫芦科植物绞股蓝的主要药效成分。

    Gypenosides ( Gyp ) is the major components of gynostemma , a kind of cucurbitaceae .

  5. 栝楼(TrichosantheskirilowiiMaxim)是葫芦科栝楼属的一种药食两用植物,多年生草质藤本。

    Snakegourd , or Trichosanthes ( Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim ) is Perennial Herb liana of medicinal plant in family Cucurbitaceae .

  6. 植物蛋白酶抑制剂是除Bt之外又一个愈来愈研究较多的抗虫基因资源,其分布广泛,在豆科、茄科、禾本科、葫芦科及十字花科等植物中存在较多。

    Plant protease inhibitors as a resisting pest resource was more studied besides Bt gene , the distribution is widely , especially in the leguminosae , solanaceae , gramineae , cucurbitaceae and cruciferae plants .

  7. RIPs在植物界中分布的比较广泛,尤以葫芦科家族(如苦瓜、丝瓜、南瓜)中含量最多。

    RIPs are widely distributed in the plant kingdom , especially the Cucurbitaceae family including bitter gourd , sponge gourd and pumpkin .

  8. 绞股蓝Gynostemmapentaphyllum(Thunb)Makino,葫芦科多年生攀缘草质藤本植物,全草入药。

    The officinal plant Gynostemma pentaphyllum ( Thunb ) Makino is one kind of perennial herb liane , which belongs to Cucurbitaceae and the whole plant is officinal .

  9. 罗汉果(SiraitiaGrosvenorii)是单性、雌雄异株的葫芦科球根多年生植物,是特产于我国南部的重要经济植物。

    Luohanguo ( Siraitia grosvenorii ), a dioecious and perennial cucurbitaceae plant with root tubers , is an economically important species endemic to southern China .

  10. 南瓜(Cucurbitamoschata)是双子叶植物门葫芦科南瓜属植物,是人们生活中最常见的蔬菜之一,不仅营养丰富,而且具有很高的药用价值。

    Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) is a familiar vegetable in person 's daily life , which is high not only in nutrient values , but also in medicinal values .

  11. 从西瓜上分离到病毒分离物XC-3,此分离物经人工接种可侵染茄科、葫芦科、苋科、藜科的16种植物。

    One virus isolate XC-3 was obtained from watermelon leaf . After inoculation , the results showed that the isolation substance could infect 16 species plants in 4 families .

  12. 两种葫芦科病毒的分子检测和致病性研究

    Molecular detection and pathogenic testing of two viruses infecting cucurbitaceous crops

  13. 任何结硬壳果实的葫芦科藤蔓植物。

    Any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears hard-rinded fruits .

  14. 葫芦科蔬菜花粉萌发特性的研究

    A study on the pollen germination of some vegetables in Cucurbitaceae

  15. 葫芦科作物矮化突变体的遗传学及细胞生理学研究进展

    Research Progress on Genetics and Cytophysiology of Cucurbitaceae Dwarf Mutants

  16. 瓜类实蝇是葫芦科蔬菜的重要害虫,在广西发生为害严重。

    The fruit flies on Cucurbits were major pests on cucurbitaceous vegetables .

  17. 葫芦科植物三萜皂甙研究十年进展(1980&1992)

    The decadal progress of triterpene saponins form cucurbitaceae ( 198 1992 )

  18. 属于或关于葫芦科植物。

    Of or relating to plants of the family Cucurbitaceae .

  19. 南瓜属葫芦科南瓜属。

    Pumpkin belongs to the genus Cucurbita , Cucurbitaceae .

  20. 一种叫做丝瓜的葫芦科作物被用来制造海绵。

    A kind of gourd called the luffa is used to make sponges .

  21. 葫芦科6个栽培品种的种子油体蛋白鉴别

    Identification of 6 cultural species of cucurbitaceae by oleosins

  22. 南瓜来自葫芦科,与葫芦属同一科。

    Squash comes from the Cucurbitaceae family which is the same family as gourds .

  23. 葫芦科作物的组织与细胞培养进展

    Advances in Tissue and Cell Culture of Cucurbits

  24. 果蔬最少加工;葫芦科蔬菜(黄瓜、西葫芦、南瓜)病害25种;

    25 species disease of cucurbitaceous vegetables ( from cucumber , vegetable marrow , pumpkin );

  25. 葫芦科中任意一种植物。

    Any plant of the family Cucurbitaceae .

  26. 几种葫芦科蔬菜病毒病的鉴定及药剂防治研究

    Study on virus identification and controlled effect on some virus diseases in vegetable of Cucurbitaceae

  27. 贵州葫芦科、桔梗科等六个科药用植物资源的研究

    Studies on the medicinal plant resources of cucurbitaceae , campanulaceae and other families in Guizhou

  28. 葫芦科瓜类作物分子遗传图谱研究进展

    Progress in Cucurbita Molecular Genetic Map

  29. 广西葫芦科植物中一个新记录的种&翅子罗汉果

    Siraitia siamensis ( Craib ) C. jeffrey & a new recorded species of Cucurbitaceae in Guangxi

  30. 防治葫芦科植物萎蔫病,至今仍依靠使用化学药剂防治甲虫。

    The control of cucurbit wilt has been based on chemical insecticides applied for beetle control .