
  1. 他的葫芦里到底卖的是什么药?

    What has he got up in his sleeve ?

  2. 看透他到底是谁,葫芦里卖的什么药。

    See what 's inside him , what makes him tick .

  3. 看看韩佳的葫芦里卖的什么药。

    To see what trick Han Jia has up her sleeve !

  4. 现在她决定不再把赫蕊埃特闷在葫芦里了。

    She now resolved to keep Harriet no longer in the dark .

  5. 我常常不清楚他葫芦里卖的什么药。

    I didn 't always know what he had in mind for it .

  6. 谷歌的葫芦里到底卖的什么药,现在我们或许可以看出一些端倪了。

    We may be starting to see some signs of what Google was thinking .

  7. 它让我十分兴奋,我从我的葫芦里立刻跳出来!

    It got me so excited , I went right out of my gourd !

  8. 我们卖的这些药是没有商标的。他的葫芦里到底卖的是什么药?

    We market these drugs generically . What has he got up his sleeve ?

  9. 我没有动第三碗,只就着一只葫芦里干净的凉水,把水果和蔬菜风卷残云地吃了下去。

    I refused the last but washed down the fruit and vegetables with clear , cold water from a hollowed gourd .

  10. 当然,你就更不知道他把吐沫吐到银葫芦里的事了,还有上次航行中他丢掉的那条腿的故事。

    Heard nothing about that , eh ? Nothing about the silver calabash he spat into ? And nothing about his losing his leg last voyage , according to the prophecy .

  11. 事情好象是,他那个罗科伏柯岛上的居民,在他们的结婚筵席上,都要把嫩椰子压出来的芬芳的椰汁,滴在一只象潘趣酒壶一般的染色大葫芦里;

    The people of his island of Rokovoko , it seems , at their wedding feasts express the fragrant water of young cocoanuts into a large stained calabash like a punchbowl ;

  12. 于是艾尔蒂达赶紧去采摘所有她认为有效的草药,把它们和倒霉爵士葫芦里的水调匀了,喂进阿莎的嘴里。

    Then Altheda hastened to pick all those herbs she thought most hopeful , and mixed them in Sir Luckless 's gourd of water , and poured the potion into Asha 's mouth .

  13. 一个从葫芦里蹦出的小孩-七巧,为了寻找他的身世及替照顾他十多年的村长爷爷报仇,将展开一段复仇旅程!

    A bottle gourd jumped out from the child-7Qiao , in order to seek his life and take care of him for ten years , the village head grandpa revenge on a journey of revenge !

  14. 老人很聪明地先把食物给年轻人吃,让他“吃饱壮胆”,因此年轻人发现葫芦里只有食物时,气得敢把它砸碎了。

    He had cleverly fed the young man so as to give him the'daring of a satisfied stomach ' , thus the young man upon finding only food in the gourds smashed them in a fit of anger .

  15. 以前从未有过两位教皇在同一天成为圣徒,而天主和非天主教徒都对此感到好奇,不仅是对教皇约翰二十三世和约翰·保罗二世,还有为什么他们能够成为圣人,以及这前所未有的双重推崇葫芦里卖的究竟是什么药。

    Never before have two popes been turned into Saints on the same day , and Catholics and non-Catholics alike are curious , not only about Pope John XXIII and John Paul II themselves , but also why they should become saints , and why the unprecedented double canonization .

  16. 当然啦,那只不过是清水;不过,水是从一只葫芦瓶里倒出来的。温迪总是摇晃着葫芦瓶,数着滴数,这就使得那水有了药性。

    Of course it was only water , but it was out of a bottle , and she always shook the bottle and counted the drops , which gave it a certain medicinal quality .

  17. 他想,老人显然是个魔法师,如果他愿意拿一只“神鹿”来交换葫芦,那么葫芦里必然装着无法想象的力量。

    He calculated that if the old man , who was obviously a wizard , was willing to give a'spirit deer'for his gourds , then the gourds must have been filled with power beyond belief .

  18. 她把放在玻璃杯和平子中间的葫芦拿过来,往葫芦里看了看。

    She took the gourd from between the glass and bottle and looked in it .

  19. 说着,他拿了一只葫芦放在地下,又把一枚有孔的铜钱放在葫芦口上,然后用勺慢慢地往葫芦里灌油。

    As he spoke , he put a bottle gourd on the ground , and a copper coin with a hole in its centre on the mouth of the bottle gourd . Then he slowly poured oil into the bottle gourd with a ladle .