
yù gòu
  • Pre order;advance purchase;purchase in advance
预购 [yù gòu]
  • [purchase in advance] 事先订货或购买东西

预购[yù gòu]
  1. 开发商必须取得销售许可证方能进行商品房的预售,否则无法办理买卖合同的预售预购登记手续。

    Development business must obtain those who sell licence to just can have commodity house to open to booking , do not have what the law handles business contract to open to booking purchase in advance to register formalities otherwise .

  2. 我们对预购的物品很满意。

    We are pleased with our purchases in advance .

  3. 德国电信称,此次预购活动不接受来自互联网的预约,只允许消费者到实体店内下单。

    The carrier is allegedly not taking online reservations and only letting customers pre-order the device in-store .

  4. 我预购了下铺的车票,如此一来,火车向前行驶的时候,我就可以欣赏窗外的风景了。

    I reserved the lower berth , so that I could enjoy the beauty of out side from the moving train .

  5. 你今天就可以预购新款iPad,下周将正式发售。

    You can order the new iPad today , and it will be available next week .

  6. 苹果公司表示,最新款iPhone手机上周发布后,最初24小时内预购量超过400万部。

    Apple has said that it received more than 4m pre-orders for its latest iPhones in the first 24 hours last week .

  7. MobileNews公开的员工内部邮件显示,运营商也在积极筹划iPhone发布的相关事宜,包括在9月18日开始受理预购订单。

    In an email to staff seen by Mobile News , the operator also outlined pre-launch information , including plans to begin taking pre-orders for the device from September 18 .

  8. AIGuardman价格不菲,一个监视范围为13米的摄像头的预购价高达2200美元。

    The AI Guardman costs a fair amount . One camera , which has a range of 13 meters , costs $ 2200 up front .

  9. 这周五,也就是9月17日,你就可以预购我们iPhone13系列所有四款新机型,而它们将于9月24日正式发售。

    You can pre-order all four new models of iPhone 13 family this Friday , September 17th , and they will be available on September 24th .

  10. 特斯拉(Tesla)周四表示,甚至在该公司发布其新款电动汽车Model3原型的前一天,它就已收到逾11.5万份对这款车的预购订单。

    Tesla received more than 115000 pre-orders for its next electric vehicle , the Model 3 , the day before it even unveiled a prototype of the car , the company said on Thursday .

  11. 针对PCB仿真模型预购难求,PCB仿真难以实现的情况,本文提出并实现了一种基于用户规则的PCB板级后验证系统。

    According to the situation of scarcity of PCB simulation models , a PCB - board post verification system software based on the user - specifed rules was proposed and realized in this paper .

  12. 安吉丽娜o朱莉主演的大片《沉睡魔咒》(Maleficent)在暑期热映,然而影迷们不得不寻找其他途径预购这部影片的DVD,原因同样也是因为亚马逊与迪斯尼公司间的纷争——你猜得没错,还是定价问题。

    Fans of Maleficent , the summer film starring Angelina Jolie , must look elsewhere to pre-order it on DVD , thanks to a spat between Amazon and the Walt Disney Co. over - you guessed it - pricing .

  13. AT&T表示,与一年前推出iPhone3GS时相比,它收到了10倍的iPhone4预购订单。

    AT & T said it received 10 times as many pre-orders for the iPhone 4 as it did for the iPhone 3GS , launched a year ago .

  14. 利用负荷管理系统实施预购电的探索

    Exploration of Using Load Management System to Purchasing Electricity in Advance

  15. 没有预购的国家将面临延迟。

    Countries that don 't have pre-orders will face delays .

  16. 可以通过罗森便利店预购指定日期的入场交换券。

    By Lawson futures exchange specified date of admission tickets .

  17. 追究预售方的责任预购方多主张违约责任。

    Be held responsible for pre-sale Pre-party multi-party breach of contract claim .

  18. 我们有会进行预购事宜的圣诞老人。

    We 've had layaway Santas that will do it .

  19. 正在制定大流行性疫苗的预购机制。

    Advance procurement mechanisms for pandemic vaccine are under development .

  20. 预购时间将从9月12日开始。

    They will be available for pre-order starting Sept. 12 .

  21. 马克:是,我想预购没什么可冲动的。

    Mark : Yeah , I guess there 's nothing impulsive about pre-order .

  22. 第四章研究商品房预购方的主要权利。

    The fourth chapter : The subscriber 's rights .

  23. 除了中国科兴公司,新加坡还与其他两家疫苗公司签订了预购协议。

    Singapore has made advanced purchase agreements with Sinovac other two vaccine companies .

  24. 登记某人预购或认捐某物

    Write down that sb is willing or wishes to buy or contribute sth

  25. 在那之后,联通网站已开始接受摩托罗拉手机的预购。

    Unicom 's website has since started taking pre-orders for the Motorola device .

  26. 论商品房预售中预购人风险防范的法律对策

    On the Legal Measures for Avoiding Risks of Buyers in a Housing Pre-sale System

  27. 因为专辑预购大卖,唱片公司给S。

    Following on from the presales success of the album , their company gave S.

  28. 对准备油漆的表面预先处理;预购产品的顾客。

    A surface preconditioned to receive paint ; customers preconditioned to buy a product .

  29. 苹果上周开通预购后,其系统陷入瘫痪,为此该公司发布声明致歉。

    Apple issued an apology when pre-ordering opened last week and its systems crashed .

  30. 他们预购了两张芭蕾舞的票。

    They reserved two tickets to the ballet .