
  • 网络newspaper group;Trinity Mirror
  1. 结合实际,探讨了CRM与PRM协同在解放日报报业集团广告经营系统中的应用实践。

    Case learning . Introducing a simple application of collaboration between CRM and PRM for Advertisement Business Information System in Jiefang daily newspaper group .

  2. 上周破产报业集团Tribune信用衍生产品清算的结果,为这种潜在的不良后果提供了证据。

    The settling of credit derivatives linked to the now-bankrupt newspaper group Tribune last week provided evidence of the potential downside .

  3. 他开始从事新闻工作,为北伦敦报业集团工作。

    He began a career in journalism , working for the North London Press Group

  4. X报业集团财务资源整合的研究

    Research of Chengdu Daily News Group on Integrated Finance Resources

  5. HB报业集团管理模式

    The Managing Mode of HB Press Group

  6. 第三部分报业集团战略诊断模型由PEST分析、五力分析和系统分析三部分组成。

    The strategic diagnostic model includes three components : the PEST analysis , Five-Forces Model analysis and system analysis .

  7. HB报业集团是中国第一家企业法人制报业集团,其前身是一家事业单位。

    HB press group is the first corporative enterprise of Chinese Press , it is a government-sponsored institution previously .

  8. 利用SWOT分析法将报业集团的战略与内部资源、外部环境有机结合,制定出适合自己的竞争战略。

    Swot analysis of the press of the strategy and internal and external environment of the organic combination and worked out for their own strategy .

  9. 在英国,报业集团trinitymirror首席执行官斯莱贝利(slybailey)呼吁政府放松并购法,允许企业旨在削减成本的整合。

    In the UK , sly Bailey , chief executive of the Trinity Mirror newspaper group , called on the government to ease merger laws to permit cost-saving consolidation .

  10. 即使是最大的报业集团gannett市值也已减半,尽管它拥有《今日美国》(usatoday)这种为数不多的发行量有小幅上升的报纸之一。

    Even Gannett , the largest in the sector , has halved in value , in spite of it owning USA today , one of the few papers to report modest circulation increases .

  11. 太阳时报报业集团(Sun-TimesNewspaperGroup)裁掉整个摄影师团队(这些摄影师合计拥有大约500年左右的专业经验)的决定让所有人都在纳闷:究竟有什么能够证明此举的合理性。

    The decision by Sun-Times newspaper group to eliminate its entire photography staff , with its 500 or so collective years of professional experience , has everyone wondering what could possibly justify such a move .

  12. 杰克·格里芬(JackGriffin)4月14日开始担任论坛报业集团(TribuneCo.)报纸出版部门的首席执行长,他希望新的工作比他在上一家公司任职的时候顺利一些。

    Jack Griffin , who started Monday as chief executive of Tribune Co. 's newspaper publishing division , expects to get along better than he did at his last corporate position .

  13. Tribune是90年代中期互联网危机以来美国宣布破产的第一大报业集团。

    Tribune is the country 's first major newspaper group to declare bankruptcy since the rise of the Internet in the middle of the nineteen nineties .

  14. 这一丑闻已让Bol蒙上阴影,Bol是Axact的电视和报业集团,曾计划在六月开始运营。

    The scandal has cast a cloud over Bol , the Axact television and newspaper group that had planned to begin broadcasting in June .

  15. 过去两年里,Axact已经在修建演播室,大肆招募知名记者,为计划今年开始运营的电视和报业集团Bol做准备。

    For almost two years now , Axact has been building a broadcast studio and aggressively recruiting prominent journalists for Bol , a television and newspaper group scheduled to start this year .

  16. 哈尔滨日报报业集团发展模式研究

    The Study on the Development Model of Harbin Daily Industrial Group

  17. 报业集团业绩考核与激励制度评述

    Discussing the Performance Evaluation and Motivation System in the Press Group

  18. 我国报业集团从纵向一体化和横向一体化两个方面实施一体化战略,取得了一定成效。

    Implementing Integration strategy from vertical and horizontal aspects makes some effect .

  19. 我国的报业集团一般按照事业单位管理,实行企业化运作。

    Domestic press groups are institutions and practicing enterprise operation .

  20. 我国报业集团财务控制体系研究

    A Study on the Financial Control Systems of Newspaper Groups

  21. 这将给报业集团带来了一定的成本压力。

    This brought group of trade giving a newspaper constant cost pressure .

  22. 中国报业集团市场化发展模式研究

    Research on the Pattern of Marketing Development of Newspaper Group in China

  23. 黑龙江日报报业集团产品定位与营销策略分析

    Research on Product Positioning and Marketing Strategy of Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group

  24. 天津日报报业集团品牌营销战略研究

    Research on the Strategies of the Brand Management of Tianjin Newspaper Group

  25. 中国报业集团多元化拓展的基本路径

    The Basic Paths of Diversification Development for the Press Groups in China

  26. 沈阳日报报业集团子公司绩效评价研究

    The Research on Performance Evaluation to Subsidiary of Shenyang Daily Newspaper Group

  27. 论中国报业集团的二元化发展之路

    On the Strategy of Dual-Development of China 's Newspaper Group

  28. 发育、发展区域性报业集团在东南沿海经济发达地区;

    In advanced regions , newspaper groups will emerge ;

  29. 赫斯特先生曾一度创建了美国最大的报业集团。

    Mister Hearst created what was once the nation 's largest newspaper organization .

  30. 危机让上市和私人所有的报业集团都付出了代价。

    The crisis has taken a toll on quoted and private newspaper groups .