
  • 网络newspaper printing;news printing
  1. 这使得ERP在报纸印刷业逐渐升温,越来越多的报纸印刷企业开始采用ERP管理系统。

    This makes ERP in newspaper printing gradually warming up . More and more newspaper printing enterprise began to adopt ERP management system .

  2. 每个环节运用PDCA循环进行提升,从理论研究到实际操作管理,使报纸印刷企业的设备管理水平得到提高。

    Every aspect of the use of PDCA cycle to improve , from theoretical research to practical management of the newspaper printing business , in order to improve the level of equipment management .

  3. 克里奥公司在商业印刷和报业印刷CTP领域都取得了不错的进展,本文着重介绍该公司的面向报纸印刷的热敏制版机。

    Creo company has acquired lots of achievements in commercial and newspaper printing fields , this essay is about the newspaper printing thermal plate-maker .

  4. 文章结合具体的报纸印刷生产企业为实例,突出设备管理重点,具体分析和运用6S、OPL、SOON和FROG活动,对设备进行模块化管理。

    In combination with the specific manufacturer of newspaper printing as an example , highlight the device management focus , specific analysis and the use of 6S , OPL , SOON and FROG activities , the equipment for modular management .

  5. 报纸印刷生产计划与调度研究

    Research about the Production Planning and Scheduling in Newspaper Printing

  6. GB/T14705-1993报纸印刷品质量要求及检验方法

    Quality requirements and test methods for newspaper printed matters

  7. 油墨,报纸印刷用的。

    Hmm , Oil-based , used in newspaper print .

  8. 采用卷筒纸地面输送系统是现代化报纸印刷企业提高效率的重要措施。

    Web-ground transportation systems for modern newspaper printing enterprises are important measures to improve the efficiency .

  9. 其最终目的是要把打印的纸张的生产使用的这类似报纸印刷的卷带式系统。

    The end goal is to print the paper using a roll-to-roll system similar to how newspapers are printed .

  10. 作为工业建筑,报业印务中心有一般工业建筑的共同特征;同时由于报纸印刷业独特的产业特点,又有其独特的个性。

    It has not only common characters of industrial architecture , but also the unique features as the newspaper printing industry .

  11. 在彩报印刷的过程中,套印精度是评价报纸印刷质量最重要的标准之一。

    In the process of colored newspaper printing , register accuracy is one of the most important standards to evaluate newspaper quality .

  12. 蓬勃发展的报纸印刷新技术与传统的报纸印刷方法比较,它具有信息量大、时效性好、费用低等优点。

    The flourishing new Technology of Newspaper Press Compared with traditional printing , it fea-tures vast content , lower cost , and higher time-efficiency .

  13. 本课题的目的是寻找二次纤维新闻纸的最佳印刷实地密度的实验方法,实现对彩色报纸印刷品图像再现质量的控制。

    Through the research and analysis of its printability , it was concluded that the influential factors about the secondary fibers newspaper 's printing quality .

  14. 报纸印刷的产业基地&报业印务中心是随着报纸印刷业的迅速发展而出现的一种新型工业建筑类型。

    Newspaper Printing Center , the base of newspaper printing industrial , is a new type of industry architecture , appeared with the rapid development of the newspaper printing industry .

  15. 印前制作在报纸印刷中是一个重要的环节,对报纸印刷质量产生重要的影响,为了提高报纸质量带给人们精神上更好的视觉享受。

    Pre-press printing in the newspaper is an important link in the quality of the print , improve the quality of the newspaper to bring the spirit of better visual people .

  16. 另一方面,囿于战时报纸印刷条件和纸张品质的限制,也使报纸不得不选择对印刷条件要求不高的木刻。

    On the other hand , due to the wartime newspaper printing conditions and the quality of the paper limit , the newspaper had to choose less demanding woodcut printing conditions .

  17. 研究结果表明:实地部位的密度和色彩与网点覆盖率为共同构成影响报纸印刷图像再现质量的主要因素。

    Through the research and analysis of its printability , it can be concluded that the printing solid density and color , and the dot covering rate are the most important factors influencing newspaper printing quality .

  18. 我们的报纸和印刷业形成相对独立的企业实体。

    Our newspaper and our printing business form separate corporate entities .

  19. 报纸在印刷机上印出来后他拿了一份。

    He took a copy of the newspaper as it came off the press .

  20. 该情报机构还在周日的报纸付诸印刷时关闭了该报社。

    The intelligence service also shut down the newspaper as Sunday 's issue was going to print .

  21. 追踪圣诞老人的传统追溯到1955年,当时科罗拉多州一家报纸广告印刷出错。

    The tradition of tracking Father Christmas goes back to a misprint in a Colorado newspaper advertisement in1955 .

  22. 纸质报纸是印刷时代的产物,长期以来都是人们获取新闻信息的重要来源。

    As an important source of news and information , newspaper is the outcome of the print age .

  23. 从60年代的丝网印刷的绘制开始,艺术家选择杂志、报纸以及印刷品上的摄影图像完成他的作品。

    In the silkscreen paintings from the1960s the artist used photographic images he found in magazines or newspapers and prints from photo-archives .

  24. 在该周报我撰写了大量稿件和标题,并直接参与报纸的印刷工作。

    Here I did a great deal of original writing , wrote the headlines , and worked directly with the printer in setting up the paper .

  25. 这份研究报告显示,由于广告客户纷纷退出,广告价格急转直下,报纸在印刷版业务每损失7美元,其在线收入往往仅能弥补1美元。

    The study says newspapers on average make up just $ 1 online for every $ 7 they lose on the print side as advertisers bolt and rates decline .

  26. 他是白手起家的百万富翁乔治赫斯特的儿子,他意识到他父亲接受加利福尼亚北部的一份叫旧金山主考官的报纸的印刷来清偿赌债。

    The son of self-made millionaire George Hearst , he became aware that his father received a northern California newspaper , The San Francisco Examiner , as payment of a gambling debt .

  27. 今天,匹兹堡的报纸又开始印刷了。

    The newspaper presses are rolling in Pittsburgh again today .

  28. 报纸源于印刷机的发明。

    Newspapers stemmed from the invention of the printing press .

  29. 警报发出和解除机构报纸源于印刷机的发明。

    Alarm and trip mechanism Newspapers stemmed from the invention of the printing press .

  30. 中国各地的报纸以黑白印刷,完全没有颜色。

    Newspapers across China printed their logos in black and some ran entirely without color .