
  1. 报纸编辑都力争率先报道。

    Newspaper editors all strive to be first with a story .

  2. “在PML(N)的命运中有一个巨大的转机,”报纸编辑拉希德·拉赫曼告诉晨曦电视台说。

    " There 's a tremendous turnaround in the fortunes of the PML ( N )," newspaper editor Rashid Rehman told Dawn Television .

  3. 洛克伍德和她的丈夫,报纸编辑杰森·肯德尔(JasonKendall)把这首诗简称为R.J.。她从2012年春天开始创作,素材来自于她不到20岁时一段痛苦的经历。

    Lockwood and her husband , Jason Kendall , a newspaper editor , refer to the poem as R. J. She began writing it in the spring of 2012 , drawing on a painful incident from her late teens .

  4. 洛克伍德和她的丈夫,报纸编辑杰森·肯德尔(JasonKendall)把这首诗简称为“R.J.”。她从2012年春天开始创作,素材来自于她不到20岁时一段痛苦的经历。

    Lockwood and her husband , Jason Kendall , a newspaper editor , refer to the poem as " R. J. " She began writing it in the spring of 2012 , drawing on a painful incident from her late teens .

  5. 据AAJA在2007年的一份报告说,亚裔美国人和太平洋岛人仅占美国报纸编辑部全体员工的百分之三。

    According to a2007 report by the AAJA , Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders make up only three per cent of all newsroom employees at U.S.newspapers .

  6. 他是国内任职最长的全国性报纸编辑。

    He is the longest surviving national newspaper editor in the country .

  7. 第二章报纸编辑的职能延伸&策划,对策划在编辑职能中的重要性作了详细论述。

    Discuss the importance of planning in editor function detailedly .

  8. 试论报纸编辑的读者意识

    A Primary Discussion on Newspaper Editors ' Sense of Readers

  9. 重点讲解:报纸编辑都力争率先报道。'

    Newspaper editors all st be first with a story .

  10. 徐铸成报纸编辑思想研究

    The Study on the Newspaper-Editing Thoughts of Xu Zhucheng

  11. 报纸编辑对于文章的刊用做出最终决定。

    A newspaper editor makes the final decisions about which articles will be printed .

  12. 这报纸编辑因同意刊登这篇报导而遭到了严厉谴责。

    The newspaper editor was sternly rebuked for allowing the story to be printed .

  13. 下面是寄给国内报纸编辑的一封信。

    The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a national newspaper .

  14. 看来我们不得不在这里过夜了。以夜作昼昼夜颠倒对报纸编辑们来说是家常便饭了。

    It looks as if we shall have to stay the night here after all .

  15. 报纸编辑上的成功是许多因素的结合。

    The total explanation of a newspaper 's editorial success is a complex of factors .

  16. 艾奥瓦州一个小镇上的一位报纸编辑称这场暴风雪为bizzard。

    A newspaper editor in a small Iowa town called the terrible storm a blizzard .

  17. 报纸编辑理念的网络邂遇

    Newspapers Redaction Ideologies Encounter the Network

  18. 记者回来了,将他们的报道输入电脑,并交给报纸编辑。

    Reporters return , type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor .

  19. 按照传统,报纸编辑发表关于“国家安全”的消息前要向政府征求意见。

    Traditionally , newspaper editors seek advice from Whitehall before publishing information relating to'national security ' .

  20. 下述文字摘自一封致某地方报纸编辑的信函。

    The following appeared as part of a letter to the editor of a local newspaper .

  21. 报纸编辑声称她总是给读者提供他们要看的东西。

    The newspaper editor claimed that she always tries to give the punters what they want .

  22. 报纸编辑喜欢依靠对该地区很了解的工作人员。

    Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who all know the district well .

  23. 报纸编辑应强化四种意识

    Four Consciousnesses for Newspaper Editors

  24. 我们阅读互联网上的资讯,并询问研究过这些国家的报纸编辑。

    We read information on the Internet and also asked editors who had studied newspapers in those countries .

  25. 与此同时,阿谀逢迎的报纸编辑极力压制越来越强劲的偏执行为,其作为简直不堪入目。

    Meanwhile , the smarmy newspaper editor is almost unwatchable in his eagerness to harness the growing bigotry .

  26. 二战后,政府保密的程度受到了美国报纸编辑协会的质疑。

    After WWII , the extent of government secrecy was questioned by the American Society of newspaper editors .

  27. 它讲的是一位报纸编辑被一个报业巨头

    It 's about a newspaper editor who 's being driven out of business by a big newspaper syndicate ,

  28. 无论是中国或是美国的报纸编辑活动,都是在一定理念下进行的。

    Whether in China or in the States , the redaction in newspapers are carried on under certain redaction ideology .

  29. 以往由内部人士和报纸编辑把持的新闻界自我监管体制的本来面目被揭穿,不过是一个空壳而已。

    The old system of press self-regulation , where insiders and newspaper editors dominate , has been exposed as a sham .

  30. 媒体也喜欢确定性,报纸编辑不喜欢新闻标题里出现“可能”和“或许”的字样。

    The media love certitude , too . Newspaper editors hate headlines with " may " or " might " in them .