
  1. 在美国,福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)首开先河,在2011款Explorer汽车上安装了气囊安全带。

    In the U.S. , Ford Motor Co. was the first to offer this bag-in-belt technology on 2011 Explorers .

  2. 谷歌(Google)去年在中国首开先河,推出了完全免费的合法音乐下载服务。该服务由谷歌的中国合作伙伴运营,运营资金来自广告。

    Google pioneered completely free legal music downloads in China last year with the launch of a service financed by advertising and run by a Chinese partner .

  3. 第一项大变化就是:作为社交网站首开先河者之一,Foursquare社交网鼓励用户离开沙发,走到户外。

    Here was the first big change : Foursquare is one of the first social networking sites that require you to get off the sofa and out of the house .

  4. 目前,NBA教练组有四位女性成员,其中就包括贝基·哈蒙。2014年,哈蒙首开先河,受聘于圣安东尼奥马刺队,成为北美四大主流职业体育联盟的首位全职女性助教。

    Four women are currently on NBA coaching staffs , including Becky Hammon , who broke convention in 2014 when the San Antonio Spurs made her the first full-time , female assistant in any of the four major North American pro sports leagues .

  5. Ebay借助京东这样的较成熟本土品牌重回中国市场并非首开先河,上月,亚马逊(Amazon)就入驻了阿里巴巴旗下的天猫商城(Tmall)。

    Ebay 's strategy to get back into the Chinese market with the help of more established local brands such as JD.com follows last month 's move by Amazon to open a store on Alibaba 's Tmall sales website .

  6. 这一在欧洲首开先河的计划旨在以纯酒精含量10ml为单位,引入啤酒的最低零售价格。

    In what would be a first for Europe , it wants to introduce a minimum retail price for booze , based on the number of10ml " units " of pure alcohol being sold .

  7. 万科上周末表示,将把其在深圳的B股转换成在香港上市的H股。上个月中集集团(CIMC)首开先河完成了这一复杂的过程。

    Vanke said over the weekend that it would convert its Shenzhen-listed B shares to Hong Kong-listed H shares , a complex process that was completed for the first time by Chinese shipping container company CIMC last month .

  8. 证交会首开先河,向原告律师表明他们可能会如何设计私法案件(如果你起诉高盛,他们就会跟进)。潜在的破坏是巨大的:这些CDO产品的平均损失逾10亿美元。

    The SEC , by blazing a trail , has shown plaintiffs ' lawyers how they might frame private cases . ( If you sue Goldman , they will come . ) The potential damages are huge : on average , these CDOs lost more than a billion dollars each .

  9. 首开先河者斩获了丰厚的回报。

    The pioneers have reaped tremendous rewards .

  10. 像馆教授这样的发明家首开先河地将以往被视为天方夜谭的东西化为可能。

    Inventors like Professor Tachi are blazing a trail into possibilities previously considered science fiction .

  11. 马云的想法并非首开先河&其他国家也有人尝试过。

    Jack 's ideas were not entirely original & they had been tried in other countries .

  12. 2012年深圳市政府首开先河,上个月广州市政府也开始效仿。

    The Shenzhen municipal government was first in 2012 , followed last month by the Guangzhou .

  13. 从法理视角全面分析美国冲突法理论的演变,在国内首开先河。

    It is brand-new in China to explore the American conflicts theory from the perspective of jurisprudence .

  14. 不过许多城市业已举办过了,1851年,伦敦在如今已毁的水晶宫首开先河。

    But many cities had already held them , beginning in1851 with London , in its now-ruined Crystal Palace .

  15. 苹果犯过许多错,但还是成功了,原因就在于:在苹果的诸多首开先河之举中,有一些实现着对创新的重塑。

    Apple has got many things wrong but succeeds because a few of its many initiatives have been transforming innovations .

  16. 许多老牌商学院愿意提供帮助。麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院首开先河,曾于上世纪九十年代帮助在中国发展商学院,最近则在帮助葡萄牙的商学院。

    Many established schools have been willing to help – MIT Sloan set the trend for these ventures , helping schools in China in the1990s and , more recently , in Portugal .

  17. 我国1987年海关法首开先河,对单位犯罪作出了相关规定。1997年修订的新刑法正式在总则篇中明确了单位犯罪的内容。

    First law in China prescribing unit crime is Custom Law in 1987 . In 1997 , newly amended Criminal law formally stipulates the content of unit crime in its general principles .

  18. 在追捧小项目运动明星方面美国银行并非首开先河者。椭圆轨道上行星绕日运动时间公式的另一种推导方法

    Bank of America isnt the first marketer to hitch its wagon to athletes from low-profile sports . An alternatively derivation of time formula of a planet in an elliptical orbit around the sun

  19. 她向我讲述了自2000年以来她投资的经历。那时,日本央行首开先河将利率下调接近于零的水平,这并非偶然。

    She has been telling me about her investment history since around 2000 ~ the time , not coincidentally , when the Bank of Japan first pushed interest rates down to within a hair 's breadth of zero .

  20. 这种新兴产业在一些发达国家首开先河,取得了良好的经济、社会和生态效益,引起世界范围内的广泛高度关注,正向全球倡导和推广。

    This emerging industry was advocated earlier in some developed countries , and has achieved good economic , social and ecological benefits . It was arising from a wide range of worldwide attention and being the global advocacy and promotion .

  21. 太平天国在婚姻立法的规定,尽管涉及面很少且只是主张男女平等,但这在当时也是首开先河的,对此应该肯定它的进步意义。

    Legislative provisions of the Taiping Rebellion in marriage , in spite of dealing with rarely surface and only established " equality " opinion . but at that time is the first to open the first case , it should be sure of its progress .

  22. 《剑侠世界》首开道具打折先河,让您花最少的钱玩最爽的游戏,让您国庆出游不至囊中羞涩!

    " Knight-errant swordsman World " the opening remarks stage prop discounts the beginning , lets you spend least Qian Wan the crispest game , lets you National Day not go to travel to the pouch in shy !

  23. 儒家的创始人孔夫子是首开私人办学先河的古代著名大教育家,他在曲阜聚徒讲学,提出过有教无类,诲人不倦等教育思想。

    Confucius , founder of Confucianism , is the first great famous ancient educator who first started private education . He gave lectures in qufu , proposed many education ideas such as " no child left behind "," teaching " .

  24. 人工智能专家DavidLevy最近预言,在2050年,人类和机器人结婚将再正常不过。最近,一位法国女子就首开这种趋势的先河,恋上了自己的3D打印机器人。

    Leading artificial intelligence expert David Levy recently said that he expects human-robot marriages to become commonplace by 2050 , and the recently revealed romantic relationship between a French woman and a robot she 3D-printed herself seems to confirm the beginning of this trend .

  25. 1992年Casey案件的判决首开等待期间的先河,并要求年轻妇女堕胎必须征得父母亲同意,这样做没有医学上的目的,只是为了劝阻妇女在实践堕胎权之前谨慎行事。

    The1992 Casey decision opened the door to waiting periods and forced parental consent requirements that serve no medical purposes and are only intended to dissuade women from exercising this right .

  26. 1861年,法国天主教神甫拉萨尔在兰斯创办的师范训练学校首开师范教育之先河。

    In 1861 , normal training school created in Rheims by French bishop T. B.Lasalle , which was the beginner of normal education .

  27. 从2002年北京市朝阳区检察院首开刑事和解改革先河以来,刑事和解政策在摸索中成熟。

    Since Procuratorate of Chaoyang District , Beijing City began the reform of victim-offender reconciliation in 2002 , victim-offender reconciliation policy is becoming mature in exploration .