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  1. 因此,我们仍在南部密苏里州同洪水搏斗。

    So we are still floodfighting in Southern Missouri .

  2. 现在还有一名患者正在得克萨斯州同埃博拉病毒抗争。

    Another person in Texas is fighting Ebola .

  3. 以及德拉威州同新汉布什尔的多佛尔等。

    Dover , Delaware and new hampshire .

  4. 邻近的乔治亚州同修们在获知此次禅二的消息后,也在周六清晨兼程赶来参加,为我们的活动增添了更多喜悦。

    Fellow initiates from neighboring Georgia who had learned about the retreat joined in early Saturday morning , adding more joy to the event .

  5. 在近期的研究中,Levine带领了来自NIDDK和国立肿瘤研究所(NCI)的科学家团队,二者与堪萨斯州大学同为NIH的下属机构。

    In the current study , Levine led a team of scientists from the NIDDK and the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ), both components of the NIH , as well as the University of Kansas .

  6. 万历六年(1578),西固分设阶州州同。

    Wanli six years ( 1578 ), West Solid State is divided into the same order .

  7. 美国北卡罗莱纳州的同修们,为德兰市无家可归的游民和失业的朋友们供应午餐。

    Initiates from North carolina , usa , serving lunch to homeless and unemployed people in the city of durham .

  8. 他们觉得,州政府同人民的关系如此密切,绝不会欺凌身边的公民。

    They felt that the state governments , so close to the people , would never abuse the citizens so close at hand .

  9. 这些土豆基本上都产自中国内蒙古,该地区与美国爱达荷州处于同一纬度,气候条件也相似。

    The potatoes are mostly grown in Inner Mongolia , a region on the same latitude as Idaho and with a climate similar .

  10. 一个实用的小窍门是如果你学习某东西的时候是在同一个州的同一个地点,那么这个东西就更容易被记住。

    One useful tip is that things are more likely to be remembered if you are in exactly the same state and place as you were when you learn them .

  11. 威斯康辛州和北卡罗莱纳州本月同一天同时通过禁烟令。

    Wisconsin and North Carolina both approved smoking bans on the same day this month .

  12. 顺治十二年(1655),西固御所千总并阶州,设州同。

    Shunzhi years ( 1655 ), 1000 total Xigu Gosho and-order state , the state set up the same .

  13. 在这两宗申诉中,相关措施的宣布恰巧都与这位美国总统访问关键摇摆州俄亥俄州在同一时间。

    In both cases , the measures have been announced to coincide with presidential trips to the crucial swing state of Ohio .

  14. 如果你们恰好来自同一个州,上过同一所大学,隶属同一个行业协会,或者有共同的熟人,这些也可以作为闲聊的话题。

    If by chance you grew up in the same state , went to the same college , belong to the same trade association , or have mutual acquaintances , those are all fine fodder for small talk , too .