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  1. 州吁夺权后,他辞去了官职。

    He resigned when Zhu Xu seized power .

  2. 石厚把他父亲的主意告诉了州吁,然后他们来到了陈国。

    Shi Hou passed his father 's word to Zhou Xu and they went to the Dukedom of Chen .

  3. 春秋时期,卫国的王子州吁杀死了他的哥哥卫桓公,成为了卫国的国君。

    During the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476 BC ), prince Zhou Xu of the State of Wei killed his brother and became the new emperor .

  4. 果然,不到一年,卫国人民就在陈国的帮助下推翻了州吁的统治,并处死了他。

    As it turned out , with the help of the State of Chen , the people of Wei overthrew Zhouyu and killed him in less than a year .