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  1. 洛阳汉代彩绘陶壶装饰艺术

    Decorative Art of Painted Pottery Vases of Han Dynasty in Luoyang

  2. 我兴奋地把种子放入我的装饰陶壶。

    Excitedly , I put a few tiny seeds in my decorated clay pot .

  3. 一个完全碎掉了的陶壶的碎片,在考古学院巧妙地恢复了原状。

    Fragments of a nearly complete jug , skillfully restored at the institute of archaeology .

  4. 本文从造型、图案和色彩三个方面分析了彩绘陶壶的装饰艺术风格。

    The article analyses the decorative art style of the vases by checking their shapes , designs and colour .

  5. 所以在接下来的几周里,她都拿着陶壶站在外面,给过往行人提供水。

    So she stood outside with a water jug and served water to pedestrians every day for the next several weeks .

  6. 第一期,墓葬形制为弧长方形砖室墓,典型器物有陶壶和陶罐。

    In the first period , the tombs mode is arc-shaped brick tombs , and the typical implements are pottery pots and jars .

  7. 坐在燃着木柴的壁炉旁边,周围被有毒药剂、护身符、圣水和陶壶包围的她声音听起来也很鬼魅。

    She cackled in a smoky voice , sitting next to a wood-burning stove , surrounded by potions , charms , holy water and ceramic pots .

  8. 陶壶直接命中了男人的头部,碎成一片一片,男人也倒地昏迷流血不止。

    It was a direct hit . The jug shattered into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground , unconscious and bleeding .

  9. 和尚让她从他的厨房里拿来一个注满了水的大陶壶,并让她站在他房前的人行道的上。

    The monk told her to take a large clay jug from his kitchen , fill it with water , and stand outside on the sidewalk in front of his house .

  10. 她捡起地上的陶壶,用尽全力掷向那个男人。

    Unable to contain herself , she picked-up the clay jug off the ground and , with all her might , threw it at the burly man as he walked away .

  11. 他们建议未受感染的农业地区应当作受控区域进行研究,以找到该疾病的原因,并且要有比如使用陶壶来贮藏水的预防措施。

    They recommended that non-affected agricultural regions be used as control areas in studies to find the disease 's cause , and preventative measures such as using clay pots to store water are used .

  12. 于是,她去向一个德高望重的高僧寻求建议。高僧让她从厨房取了一个很大的装满水的陶壶,提着站在外面的人行道上。

    She went to see a well respected Buddhist monk to ask for advice . The monk told her to take a large clay jug from his kitchen , fill it with water , and stand outside on the sidewalk in front of his house .

  13. 于是她继续这样做着,直到有一天下午,一个粗鲁的男人走过来,一把从她手里抢过陶壶,一口气喝完了里面的水,把壶扔再地上,径直离开。

    So she continued serving water . Until this afternoon when a burly man walked up , snatched the water jug out of her hand , drank directly out of it , and then tossed the jug on the ground as he continued on his way .