
táo tán
  • pottery jar
  1. 陶坛具有多微孔网状结构和极大的表面积及其含有Ni2+,Ti4+,Cu2+,Fe2+等离子,使陶坛对白酒贮存具有氧化、吸附和催化作用;

    Pottery jar storage was helpful for liquor oxidation , liquor absorption and liquor catalysis because of the ions such as Ni2 + , Ti4 + , Cu2 + , Fe2 + contained in jar and its multiple-pole reticular formation and large surface area .

  2. 陶坛贮存仍然是白酒老熟的有效方法;

    Pottery jar storage was still the most effective method for liquor aging .

  3. 贮酒容器以陶坛为佳。(孙悟)

    Besides , pottery jar was the best choice for wine storage among all containers .

  4. 采用陶坛密封贮存。

    Sealed storage in pottery jars .

  5. 陶坛贮酒,对新酒的催陈老熟较好,而不锈钢容器对酒的老熟作用不很明显。

    Liquor storage in pottery jars has better aging effects compared with liquor storage in stainless vessels .

  6. 黄酒的陈化是指新酿制的成品酒在陶坛中贮存、陈化的过程。

    The aging of yellow rice wine referred to the storage and aging process of newly-produced yellow rice wine in pottery jar .

  7. 结果发现,陶坛贮存比不锈钢罐贮存的老熟作用更明显;

    The results showed that the effects of aging which base liquor stored in pottery was significant than in stainless steel tank .

  8. 实践表明,以适当的高温,利用陶坛贮酒可加快白酒老熟,缩短生产时间,提高设备利用率,增加经济效益。

    The practice suggested that adequate high-temperature and pottery jar storage could accelerate liquor aging , shorten production time , improve apparatus utilization rate , and increase economic benefits .

  9. 对浓香型酒而言,使用陶坛贮酒老熟时间在8个月左右,而不锈钢容器贮存则需10个月。

    As for Luzhou-flavor liquor , the aging period of the liquor in pottery jars is about 8 months . However , the aging period of the liquor in stainless vessels is in need of 10 months .

  10. 黄酒的贮存温度以5~20℃为最佳,贮酒仓库要求阴凉、通风、干燥,并保持一定的湿度,有利于陶坛独特的微氧环境的陈化条件形成;

    The best temperature for wine storage was at 5 ~ 20 ℃ and the storehouse was required cool , dry , and ventilated with certain humidity , which was helpful for aging conditions of " small oxygen environment " .

  11. 该工艺条件可使黄酒陶坛陈化时间由3年缩短至半年,大大提高了黄酒生产效率。(2)采用钛合金膜过滤系统,替代传统热杀菌工序。

    The process conditions can make the altar by Maturing tao Rice wine time reduced to 3 years half a year , greatly improving the yellow wine production efficiency . ( 2 ) The titanium alloy membrane filtration system , to replace the traditional heat sterilization process .

  12. 陶质酸坛或玻璃酸瓶

    Earthenware or glass carboy