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  1. 但该案涉及的州并未试日证明它没有提供及时听证的正当性;

    However , the state in that case had not attempted to justify its failure to grant a prompt hearing ;

  2. 以亚州百合为试材,探讨了低温冷藏、设施栽培和赤霉素结合低温处理对亚洲百合开花及新球繁殖的效应。

    Effects of chilling , protected culture and gibberellin combined with low temperature on flowering and new bulb reproduction of Asiatic hybrid lily were studied .

  3. ge能源基础设施(geenergyinfrastructure)副董事长兼首席执行官约翰克瑞尼基(johnkrenicki)表示,ge已经开始在美国科罗拉多州的工厂建造试生产线。

    GE has started to build pilot production lines at its facility in Colorado , said John Krenicki , a vice-chairman and chief executive of Ge energy infrastructure , which includes the renewable energy division .

  4. 想必将和新罕布什尔州实验的受试者们一样,有机会享受某些返老还童的益处。

    presumably with a chance at some of the same rejuvenative benefits the New Hampshire test subjects enjoyed .

  5. 不过最重要的是,越来越多的高中生选择参加这个花费38美元的考试,测试他们在英语、数学、阅读和科学方面的能力。参加考试的学生人数激增的其中一个原因是,越来越多的州将调高考试费用。

    The biggest story though seems to be that more and more high school students are taking the 38-dollar exam , which tests kids in English , math , reading and science . One reason for the surge in test-takers is that more states are picking up the cost .

  6. 在路易斯安那州,阿拉巴马州和密西西比州的作者正在试着找一个凶手——但并不是攻击人的某人:拉万德拉告诉我们什么动物成了目标并且什么让他们的谋杀如此难以调查。

    Authorities in Louisiana , Alabama and Mississippi are trying to find a killer -- but not somebody who is targeting people : Ed Lavandera tells us what animals have become targets and what makes it so difficult to investigate their murders .