
  1. 新疆昌吉州城镇发展问题探讨

    Development of Cities and Towns in Changji of Xijiang

  2. 湘西自治州城镇、村寨布局与建筑特色研究

    Research on Distribution of Towns and Villages and Their Architecture Features in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture

  3. 积极加快户籍管理制度改革和创新,是促进楚雄彝州城镇化发展,加快小康社会建设的重要举措。

    Speeding up reform and innovation of system of household registration actively are the important measure to promote the urbanization development of Chuxiong Yi nationality autonomous prefecture and to accelerate moderately prosperous society establishing .

  4. 延边州城镇的规模因子和经济因子值的频率分布都是偏态的,形成的是尖顶&肥尾式分布,而且规模因子的分异程度大于其经济发展水平的差异。

    The frequency distributions of the scale factors and economic factors of Yanbian towns are skewness , showing the " spire-fat tail " type distribution . And the differentiation degree of the scale factor is greater than the difference of the economic development levels .

  5. 美国马萨诸塞州一城镇,由清教徒于年建立。

    A town in Massachusetts founded by Pilgrims in 1620 .

  6. 布什总统请求全国上下为堪萨斯州的城镇居民祈祷。

    President Bush is asking the country to pray for the town of greensburg .

  7. 得克萨斯州西部城镇的官员表示,化肥厂爆炸后引发的小火灾目前已全部扑灭。

    Authorities in the town of west Texas say , all the remaining small fires that were burning in the town after a fertilizer plant explosion are now out .

  8. 密苏里州小城镇拉巴迪正在辩论如何处理这些废料。辩论的一方是镇上居民,另一方是中西部的阿莫林电力公司。

    The debate over how to dispose of it is playing out in the small town of Labadie , Missouri where the controversy is pitting local residents against the Midwestern utility company , Ameren .

  9. 通过对城镇经纬度统计,揭示府州县城镇空间分布的特征是东多西少,南多北少,东西两端最少。

    By analyzing the longitude and latitude of the cities , the paper presents that the feature of the city distribution appears on a diminishing scale from east to the west and from south to the north .

  10. 包括最高层在内的大多数GMAC员工都在弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿城镇中心(RestonTownCenter)两个安静的楼层办公,谷歌(Google)、劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)和美国大学理事会(CollegeBoard)也在这栋现代化写字楼中租用了办公空间。

    The majority of GMAC 's staff , including its most senior officers , work on two quiet floors of a modern office park in Reston Town Center , Va. , where Google ( GOOG ) , Rolls-Royce , and the College Board also lease space .

  11. 活赤虫已经在俄克拉荷马州一个城镇的供水系统中滋生。

    And red worms have wriggled into the water system of an Oklahoma town .

  12. 约翰斯顿罗得岛州中北部城镇,位于普罗维登斯郊区,以制造业为主。人口24907。

    A town of north-central Rhode island , a manufacturing suburb of providence . population , 24907 .

  13. 堪萨斯州的边境城镇埃尔金自称是“美国最大的畜牛发运地点”。

    The Kansas border town of Elgin was billing itself the'greatest cattle shipping point of the u.s.a ' .

  14. 美国马萨诸塞州西南一城镇,是康涅狄格河沿岸斯普林菲尔德市的居住郊区。人口15467。

    A town of southwest Massachusetts , a residential suburb of Springfield on the Connecticut River . Population , 15,467 .

  15. 几个星期以前,我还只是田纳西州山区小城镇戴顿的一个默默无闻的教师。

    A few weeks before I had been an unknown schoolteacher in Dayton , a little town in the mountains of Tennessee .

  16. 26日,我乘车来到箱根(日本本州岛东南部城镇)和富士山。

    On October 26 , I took a bus to Hakone and Mount Fuji .

  17. 如今,我住在新泽西州另外一个城镇,我可以走路去理发店。

    Nowadays , I live in a different New Jersey town , where I can walk to the barber shop .

  18. 生态视野·黔东南州山区聚落与城镇发展研究

    Ecological View · Research on the Traditional Mountain Habitation Charters and Urban Development in State of the Southeast of Guizhou Province

  19. 她是美国中西部地区威斯康星州一名市长的孙女,在该州一个中型城镇沃索长大。

    The granddaughter of a Wisconsin mayor , she grew up in Wausau , a midsized town in the Midwestern state .

  20. 大量龙卷风袭击了从得克萨斯州到佐治亚州沿途的城镇。

    A record number of tornadoes struck along a path from Texas to Georgia .

  21. 他们这样做是为了保护另外两个州,肯塔基州和伊利诺伊州沿岸的城镇。

    They did that to protect river towns in two other states , Kentucky and Illinois .