
fēi jī dū jiào yùn dòng
  • anti-Christianity movement
非基督教运动[fēi jī dū jiào yùn dòng]
  1. 本文认为非基督教运动主要在长江中下游区域展开,长江上游的非基督教运动则存在着不同的样式。1922~1927年,我国爆发了一场反对基督教的运动,史称“非基督教运动”。

    As for the upper reaches of Yangtze River , there were different patterns in Anti-Christianity Movement . Between 1922 and 1927 , there occurred a campaign against Christianity in China , which is known as " Non_Christianity Campaign " in history .

  2. 结果表明,抗H.非基督教运动始末

    Anti - H. The beginning and end of the Anti - Christian Movement

  3. 非基督教运动始末

    Exercise . The beginning and end of the Anti-Christian Movement

  4. 非基督教运动中的非基督教周活动述论&以广东省为聚焦点

    A review of the " Non-Christianity Week " in the non-Christianity campaign

  5. 陈独秀与非基督教运动

    CHEN Du-xiu and the Non-Christianity Movement

  6. 论中国社会主义青年团与非基督教运动的关系

    A Research On the Relationships Between Socialist Youth League of China and the Anti - Christian Movement

  7. 关于非基督教运动研究,学界已有许多论著问世,但是这些研究仍然不能说是足够的和充分的。

    A great deal of works concerning the Anti-Christian Movement studies have been published , but the previous studies are neither enough nor sufficient .

  8. 二十世纪早期中国社会中有两个因素对基督教教育的发展方向产生了重要影响,其一为新式教育的推广,其二为非基督教运动。

    Early period of the 20th century saw two elements which had strong effect on the direction of Christian education , one was the spread of new-style education , the other was Anti-Christian Movement .

  9. 第一章主要论述基督化家庭运动的背景,非基督教运动、本色化运动以及民国时期的家庭变革都对基督化家庭运动的产生起了推动作用。

    Chapter one mainly discusses the context of the Christianizing the Home Movement . Anti-Christian movement , Indigenization movement and the family transformation in the Republic of China era promoted the rising of the Christianizing the Home Movement .

  10. 20世纪20年代的非基督教运动对中国基督教的发展产生了重要影响,1929年5月,中华全国基督教协进会发起了一场联合促进福音事业的运动,即所谓的五年运动。

    The Anti-Christian Movement in the 1920s had significant influence on the development of Christianity in China . The National Christian Council of China launched a campaign to promote the gospel cause in May 1929 , which was also called " Five-Year Movement " .

  11. 通过探讨他对当时非基督教运动的回应,对基督教教义的阐述,对中国文化与基督教如何融合等一系列问题的观点,发掘中国文化尤其是儒家文化及伦理价值观对其思想的影响。

    From his response of the Anti-Christian movement , his own understanding of the Christian doctrine and his view on how the Chinese culture mixed with the Christian faith , we find that Mr. Wu is very much influenced by traditional Chinese culture , especially the Confucian ethical values .

  12. 由于革命家自身浓厚的宗教情结,导致了大革命在宗教问题上经历了教会改革、非基督教化运动和创立公民宗教信仰的一波三折。

    Because the revolutionists had strong feeling on religion , it caused twists and turns to the revolution on religious problem , including the church reform , unchristianization movement , establishment of religious belief .