
  • 网络Nonverbal communication;non-verbal communication
  1. 非语言交流在人们的交际活动中有着非常重要的作用。

    Nonverbal communication plays an important role in people 's communicative activities .

  2. 对跨文化商业谈判中非语言交流的分析

    An Analysis of Nonverbal Communication in Intercultural Business Negotiation

  3. 文化在非语言交流中起着很大的作用。

    Culture plays a large part in non-verbal communication

  4. 论非语言交流在英语教学中的作用

    Analysis on Function of Non-verbal Communication in English Classroom Teaching

  5. 对建立人工气道病人实施非语言交流的效果观察

    Effect of carrying out non-linguistic communication in patients accepted artificial airway setup

  6. 制备消息结构语言言语交际非语言交流音像,和多媒体。

    Preparation Message Structure Language Verbal communication Non-verbal communication Audiovisuals and multimedia .

  7. 因此,非语言交流是很重要的,特别是有情景的沟通。

    Thus , the non-verbal communication is important , especially the scenic communication .

  8. 非语言交流在心脏术后建立人工气道患者中的应用研究

    Application of Non-language Communication in Nursing Patients with Artificial Airway after Cardiac Surgery

  9. 方法对我科14例神志清楚的失语患者运用恰当的语言交流及非语言交流等形式与病人沟通。

    Methods 14 in - patients were communicated with language and body language .

  10. 人际交流包含很多领域,如口头、书面和非语言交流。

    Communication covers diverse fields , such as spoken , written and non-verbal cues .

  11. 浅谈对病人非语言交流的心理护理

    Psychological nursing of non-language communication for the patients

  12. 非语言交流也是我们所说的非文化限制或影响的交流:它适用于全世界。

    Nonverbal communication is also what we call culture free : it applies worldwide .

  13. 非语言交流在体检工作中的应用

    Use of Non-language Communication in Physical Examination

  14. 沉默&日本人的非语言交流

    Silence , Non-verbal Communication of the Japanese

  15. 目的探讨剖宫产术中运用非语言交流对产妇的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of non-language communication on parturient women during cesarean delivery .

  16. 服装是另一种文化可见的非语言交流。

    Dress is another place where culture can be seen in forms of nonverbal communication .

  17. 但一些非语言交流就像语言交流一样是可以学的,虽然是在不同的阶段。

    But some nonverbal communication is learned like verbal language , yet at different stage .

  18. 非语言交流可以传达很多信息。

    Nonverbal communication says a lot .

  19. 眼睛所透露的语言是最强有力、有效的非语言交流工具之一。

    The language of our eyes is one of the most powerful and effective tools of non-verbal communication .

  20. 非语言交流对于把握和正确处理高校图书馆馆员与读者的关系具有重要意义。

    Nonverbal communications play a very significant role in the grasp and correctly handling the relationship between the librarians and readers .

  21. 首先从手势的非语言交流性,提出了绘画作品中手势与观众的交流性。

    First , from the non-verbal communication of gestures , put forward to the communication between gestures and the audience in paintings .

  22. 在此之后,我谈到了跨文化交际,其中包含语言和非语言交流,时间和空间概念。

    After that , I talked about the intercultural communication , which contains language , non-verbal communication , time and space concept .

  23. 表情作为人类情感表达最直接最基本的交流方式,在非语言交流当中是一种十分有效的表达方式。

    As the most direct and basic ways of communication for human emotions , expression is a very effective way in non-verbal communication .

  24. 环境语言作为非语言交流的一种重要形式,由于中西方鉴别标准存在差异,引起了不同程度的文化误解与交流障碍。

    As an important means in nonverbal communication , differences in environmental language between English and Chinese lead to culture misunderstanding and communication barrier .

  25. 表情是人类用来表达自己情绪的一种基本方式,更是非语言交流中的一种有效手段,是传播人类情感信息与协调人际关系的重要方式。

    For human beings , facial expression is a basic way to express their emotions and is an effective means to conduct nonverbal communication .

  26. 这些分析研究分别针对人们的认知能力、语言和非语言交流、社会或心理特征(例如进攻性和领导能力)以及心理幸福感(例如自尊)。

    The studies looked at cognitive abilities , verbal and nonverbal communication , social or psychological traits like aggression or leadership , psychological well-being like self-esteem .

  27. 通常,他们会出示随身携带的物品或指给我们看,但这仅限于非语言交流。

    Commonly they will show you something in their wallet , or lead you to show you something , but this is the extent of their non-verbal communication .

  28. 而摇铃主要作为年老体弱患者需要非语言交流的信号,满意率为97.37%。

    Bell ringing , as a signal of non language communication , was especially prepared for the senile and infirm patients , with a satisfaction rate of 97.37 % .

  29. 目的评价非语言交流方式对心脏手术后建立人工气道患者进行护患交流和沟通的适用性和满意度。

    Objective To evaluate the suitability and the satisfaction rate of non language communication in nursing patients with artificial airway ( endotracheal intubation or tracheotomy ) after cardiac surgery .

  30. 本文从眼神的运用、维持适当的师生距离、面部表情的运用、手势语的运用四个方面来谈非语言交流在英语教学中的应用。

    The article will talk about the application of non-verbal communication to English teaching from the following four aspects : eye contact , body distance , facial expression and gesture language .