
  • 网络african art
  1. 已成为非洲艺术最佳表现之一的他的雕刻。

    His carvings that have become one of the finest expressions of African art .

  2. 马蒂斯于20世纪初开始注意到非洲艺术的独特的造型方式和大胆的色彩表现。

    Martis realized the special mold and bold expression of color of African art in 20 century .

  3. 纽约非洲艺术研究学院

    African Academy of Arts and Research , New York

  4. 贝利说自己从记事起就很喜欢非洲艺术,部分原因要归功于自己的叔叔,他游历非洲后就会带回来很多当地的纪念品。

    Bailey has loved African art ever since I can remember , partly thanks to an uncle who brought back indigenous records from his travelling .

  5. 这片50000公顷的庄园收集了令人艳羡的当代非洲艺术精品,还拥有一座有机太阳能农场与非洲品牌的精品红酒系列。

    The 50000-acre property includes an enviable collection of contemporary African art , an organic and solar-powered farm and a wine collection focusing on African labels .

  6. 在华盛顿的非洲艺术博物馆发表演讲时,布什总统说,他将利用即将成行的非洲之旅,来突显与危险性疾病作斗争和促进开发工作的努力。

    In a speech at Washington 's Museum of African Art , he said he will use the upcoming trip to highlight efforts to fight dangerous diseases and spur development .

  7. 学习德国、苏联的表现主义版画、学习西方现代主义艺术、学习非洲艺术、美洲艺术、学习日本版画和本国的传统文化。

    We study the expressionism print of German and Russia , the western modernism culture , the African culture , the American culture , the Japanese and our traditional native culture .

  8. 构成非洲艺术的木雕人物中的性动力是非洲艺术的一个重要组成部分,它以直接的生命冲动、直观的本能给非洲艺术带来强烈的生命力与形式感,丰富了非洲艺术的表现力。

    The sexual impulse from the wood-carving figures formed African art is an important part of African art , and brings freshened life and the sense of shape , which provides enriched expression of African art , with direct impulse of life and direct instinct .

  9. 他们得到了以肯尼亚为基地的非洲岩画艺术联合会(TARA)的帮助,TARA争取尽可能多的找到(岩画)艺术品,为他们数字化存档,以备将来学者使用。

    They are being helped by the Kenya-based Trust for African Rock Art ( TARA ), which seeks to discover and digitally archive as much of the art as it can for future scholars .

  10. 原生的本能现代的范式&论非洲木雕艺术

    Original instinct and modern stereotype & about the African wood sculpture

  11. 非洲民间艺术可以追溯到撒哈拉沙漠中的原始居住洞穴。

    The African folk art can be traced in the caves of the Sahara desert .

  12. 欧洲的艺术家从非洲及亚洲的艺术中汲取了许多思想和灵感。

    European artists have drawn ideas and inspiration from African and Asian arts .

  13. 在古代的西亚、非洲各国的造型艺术中都能找到大量的狮子形象。

    There are many lion images in the statue arts of ancient West-Asia and Africa .

  14. 唐朝已有中国人踏上撒哈拉以南的非洲土地,文化艺术中也有很多技艺非凡、勇敢机智、侠肝义胆的非洲黑人形象。

    In Tang Dynasty , the Chinese set foot in sub-Saharan Africa . There were many brave , intelligent and heroic African figures depicted in different Chinese art forms .