
fēi jūn xiàng fǎn yìnɡ
  • Heterogeneous reaction;inhomogenous reaction
  1. 甲醛在α-Al2O3颗粒物表面的非均相反应研究

    Heterogeneous Reaction of Formaldehyde on Surface of α - Al_2O_3 Particles

  2. 焦炭的非均相反应对循环流化床煤燃烧中N2O生成与分解的影响

    Influence of Non homogeneous Reactions on N 2O Formation and Destruction During Combustion of Coal Char in a Circulating Fluidized Bed

  3. 此时N2O完全通过NO与焦炭的非均相反应生成。

    No HCN is formed and N2O is entirely is produced by the heterogeneous reaction of NO and char .

  4. NO2在矿物颗粒物表面的非均相反应

    Heterogeneous Reaction of NO_2 on the Surface of Mineral Dust Particles

  5. 实验还得到了非均相反应途径的直接证据。

    The direct evidence for heterogeneous formation mechanism has been gained .

  6. 大气化学非均相反应摄取系数的测定

    Determining reactive uptake coefficients of heterogeneous reactions in the atmosphere

  7. 醛酮液相催化缩合反应的均相与非均相反应动力学研究

    Reaction kinetics of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic aldol condensation reaction

  8. 我厂提高非均相反应速度的几点措施

    Several procedures for raising the speed of non-uniform phase reactions in our works

  9. 内扩散效应及其对非均相反应的影响

    The Effect of Internal Diffusion on Heterogeneous Phase Reaction

  10. 基于非均相反应小尺度实验的固态有机过氧化物自加速分解温度推算

    SADT calculation of solid organic peroxides based on small sample mass of heterogeneous reaction

  11. 制备苯甲醛过程中的液-液非均相反应研究

    Study of Liquid-Liquid Heterogeneous Reaction in Preparing Benzaldehyde

  12. 二次反应区主要是燃烧产物的均相或非均相反应;

    In the secondary chemical reaction region the key reactions are either , homogeneous or heterogeneous reactions of combustion products .

  13. 反应为非均相反应,影响反应的主要因素是原料摩尔比、反应温度和反应时间。

    The reaction is a two phase reaction , which significantly affected by molar ratio of reactants , temperature and reaction time .

  14. 随着分形几何理论在表面科学中的应用和发展,非均相反应的类分形动力学研究取得了可喜的成果。

    With the application and development of fractal geometry theory in surface science , the achievements in fractal-like kinetics of heterogeneous reacion are obtained .

  15. 大多数非均相反应的动力学不遵从经典的动力学规律。

    The kinetics of most heterogeneous phase reaction does not tally with the typical kinetics law , and the rate constant is relative to reaction time .

  16. 为研究液-固相非均相反应,依据几何相似原则,建立了3级带搅拌的釜式冷模设备。

    For the investigation of liquid solid heterogeneous reaction , three scales of cold model of stirred tank reactors were established in accordance with the principle of similarity .

  17. 综述了近年来超声技术在催化化学领域应用研究的新进展,包括超声技术在纳米材料的制备、催化活性组分的负载及催化非均相反应等方面的应用。

    Latest advances in application of ultrasonic technologies in catalytic chemistry were reviewed , including its application of nano-material preparation , active component loading and heterogeneous chemical reactions .

  18. 以葡萄糖和正丁醇为原料,考察了此非均相反应体系中反应温度、催化剂对合成短碳链烷基多糖苷的反应过程的影响。

    This paper studies the synthesis of alkyl polyglycosides by glycoside exchange of sweet potato starch , glycol and lauryl alcohol under pilot plant conditions with triple acid catalyst .

  19. 同时,研究了此合成反应机理,建立了固-液非均相反应动力学模型,并根据实验数据,确定了模型中的有关参数。

    Meanwhile , The reaction mechanism was studied . The solid-liquid heterogeneous phase reaction kinetics model was established . Based on the experimental data , the model parameters were determined .

  20. 该模型反映了反应过程中的物质传递规律、非均相反应特点、自由基共聚合和水解缩合反应间的耦合关系。

    The complete model explains the principle of mass transport , characteristics of heterogeneous reaction and the interaction of free radical ( co ) polymerization and hydrolysis-condensation reaction in this system .

  21. 本文将分数维理论引入颗粒与流体的非均相反应系统,提出不规则颗粒二维反应的分数维模型.在假稳态条件下,对不规则颗粒的核收缩反应方程求得解析解。

    Fractal theory has been introduced into heterogeneous reaction systems to describe the reaction of solid particles with fluid , and a fractal reaction model in two dimensions is proposed for irregular particles .

  22. 因此有可能利用细颗粒物特性和低温非均相反应消除平流层的卤代烃及氯氟烃等达到阻断大气臭氧耗损的链反应。

    Therefore , it is possible to break the chain reaction of ozone depletion by using the character of superfine particle and the low temperature heterogeneous chemical reaction to remove stratospheric halocarbon and CFC .

  23. 摄取系数是表征大气非均相反应的重要物理化学参数,也是大气颗粒物表面摄取气体能力的重要量化指标。

    The uptake coefficient is an important physical and chemical parameter characterized the atmospheric ( heterogeneous ) reaction and a quantitative value determining to the uptake capacity of the trace gas on the atmospheric particles .

  24. 咪唑和氯乙酸乙酯通过非均相反应合成咪唑乙酸乙酯,酸性水解得到咪唑乙酸盐酸盐,和三氯化磷、磷酸反应后再水解制得唑来膦酸。原料价廉易得,操作简便,反应总收率36%。

    Zoledronic acid was synthesized from imidazole and ethyl chloroacetate by heterogeneous reaction and hydrolysis to give imidazol-1-acetic acid hydrochloride which reacted with phosphorus trichloride and phosphoric acid followed by hydrolysis with an overall yield of 36 % .

  25. 本文探讨了该薄膜电极的电化学行为,测定了该体系的电化学参数如电荷传递扩散系数D(ct)和非均相电极反应速率常数k等。

    The electrochemical parameters , such as charge transport diffusion coefficient , Dct , and heterogeneous electrode reaction rate constant , k ' , were determined .

  26. PAM在水/甲醇溶剂中的溶胀行为及其非均相Mannich反应

    Swelling behaviour of PAM and its non-homogeneous Mannich reaction in water-methanol

  27. 非均相Fenton反应技术研究进展

    Progress in studies on heterogeneous Fenton reaction technology

  28. 在搅拌釜式间歇反应器中研究了以负载Mg2+的HD-8型阳离子交换树脂为催化剂的4-OH-TMP非均相氧化反应动力学。

    The kinetics of 4-OH-TMP heterogeneous catalytic oxidation reaction catalyzed by ion exchange resin supported Mg2 + was studied .

  29. 催化转化器中CO化学反应属于气固非均相催化反应,在载体蜂窝孔内CO向催化剂固体表面的质量传输过程对CO的转化率有着重要影响。

    Chemical reaction of CO is a gas solid catalytic reaction in catalytic converter . The mass transfer course of CO in honeycomb holes has very important effects on CO conversion ratio .

  30. BDC引发丙烯酰胺的非均相聚合反应

    The Heterogenous Polymerization of Acrylamide Initiated by BDC