
  • 网络African languages
  1. 非洲语言中的发音与字母关系密切。

    In African languages there is a close correspondence between sounds and letters .

  2. 他告诉我他能说英语、德语、法语、丹麦语及不少于三种的非洲语言。

    He told me he spoke English , German , French , Dutch , and at least three African languages .

  3. 另一项“网络2.0”计划已经开始对基础软件程序进行翻译,目标是每一种非洲语言有一百万以上的使用者。

    Another Web2.0 project has started work translating basic software programs into every African language spoken by more than a million people .

  4. 语言:官方语言为葡萄牙语。克里奥洛语和一些非洲语言也通用。

    Language : Portuguese is the official language . Creole ( Criolo ) and a number of African languages are also spoken .

  5. 这一项目是把中文电影配上非洲语言字幕,从而让更多非洲普通家庭能够看到中文电影。

    The project is set to screen Chinese films dubbed into local African languages across Africa , spreading Chinese films to ordinary households .

  6. 阿列克斯:这些用非洲语言书写的博客都很平民化,但其蕴含的可能性却很令人兴奋,在主流的互联网上也可以用其它语言。

    Alex : These are grass roots blogs in African languages . But there is real excitement here about the possibility of the mainstream Internet speaking other languages too .

  7. 所以,许多非洲语言有100多种音素,夏威夷语言只有13种,而英语、法语以及德语各自有大致45种音素。

    So while many African languages had more than 100 phonemes , Hawaiian language had as few as 13 . English , French and German had about 45 each .

  8. 哥伦比亚流行巨星夏奇拉用非洲语言芳语唱道:“你为何而来,因为这是非洲。”

    " Tsamina mina , zangalewa ," sings Colombian pop superstar Shakira ," because this is Africa . " She sings in an African language called Fang , asking ," Who asked you to come ?"

  9. 本论文主要研究非洲本土语言作为象征性权力在殖民地运行的方式、策略、效果和特点。

    The dissertation is to explore the way African native language operates in the colony as a symbolic power , its strategy , effects and characteristics .

  10. 东南亚,拉丁美洲和撒哈拉以南非洲国家说声调语言的人没有这些突变。

    People who speak tonal languages in Southeast Asia , Latin America , and sub-Saharan Africa do not have these mutations .

  11. 北京外国语大学一名负责人上周三表示,北外将增设11门语言课程,主要是非洲和大洋洲语言,旨在为我国与这些地区发展关系提供更多人才支持。

    Beijing Foreign Studies University ( BFSU ) will add 11 language courses , mostly African and Oceanianic tongues , to boost talent support for the country 's extending ties with the regions , a school official said last Wednesday .

  12. 在阿萨巴一完成制作,电影便会进入非洲的各个角落。英语原声的电影会被配音成法语或非洲语言。有时候,影片还会针对当地观众进行重新改编和重新包装,这些通常都是盗版。

    Once completed in Asaba , the movies find their way to every corner of Africa , released in the original English , dubbed into French or African languages , and sometimes readapted , repackaged and often pirated for local audiences .