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dǎ ban
  • dress up;grooming;make up;deck;adorn;spruce;deck out;primp;habit;titivate;perk;tog;soup;style of dressing oneself
打扮 [dǎ bàn]
  • [dress;adorn;deck out;spruce;make up] 修饰外表

  • 打扮素净。--《西厢记》

  • [style of dressing oneself] 修饰装扮出来的样子

  • 你那身打扮可不能去赴宴会

打扮[dǎ ban]
  1. 瞧他那副尊容,还打扮呢!

    With that face , and he still tries to dress up !

  2. 七岁时,他对父母说:"我想打扮成超级英雄,帮助无家可归的人。"

    At the age of seven , he told his parents , " I want to dress up like a superhero and help the homeless . "

  3. 你别对着镜子打扮个没完行不行?

    Will you stop preening yourself in front of the mirror ?

  4. 他是打扮成一只大鸡去参加聚会的。

    He went to the party in a giant chicken costume .

  5. 你不妨打扮一下。

    It wouldn 't do you any harm to smarten yourself up .

  6. 晚饭前我要去梳洗打扮一番。

    I 'll just go and freshen up before supper .

  7. 她确信自己打扮得无可挑剔后才出门去。

    She went out safe in the knowledge that she looked fabulous .

  8. 连明星们也厌烦了把自己打扮起来去领奖。

    Even the stars get tired of gussying up for the awards .

  9. 趁客人还没到,我得去打扮一下好见人。

    I must go and make myself presentable before the guests arrive .

  10. 你要把自己打扮起来去参加聚会吗?

    Are you getting dolled up for the party ?

  11. 她被打扮成了印度公主。

    She was got up as an Indian princess .

  12. 这些演员仍是戏装打扮。

    The actors were still in costume and make-up .

  13. 你穿着那身打扮要去哪里?

    Where are you going in that rig-out ?

  14. 她穿衣打扮要用好长的时间。

    It takes her forever to get dressed .

  15. 他们都打扮成小丑。

    They were all dressed as clowns .

  16. 她为参加面试打扮了一番。

    She spruced up for the interview .

  17. 她不懂穿着打扮。

    She has no clothes sense .

  18. 她总是打扮得干净利落。

    She is always perfectly groomed .

  19. 她总是打扮得干净利落。

    She always looks immaculate .

  20. 她们对别的妇女的衣着打扮比对发言人的讲话更加感兴趣。

    They were more concerned with how the other women had dressed than in what the speaker was saying .

  21. 你打扮得这么漂亮,要去哪?

    You 're all dressed up . Are you going somewhere ?

  22. 与花哨的打扮形成鲜明对比的是这件小黑裙子。

    The little black dress is the anithesis of fussy dressing .

  23. 我们那时常常打扮得漂漂亮亮然后进城去。

    We used to doll ourselves up and go into town .

  24. 那时候,他们懂得打扮。

    They knew how to get themselves up in those days .

  25. 她们必须得既苗条又迷人,而且一定要打扮漂亮。

    They have to be thin , attractive and well-dressed to boot .

  26. 一个个花园打扮得煞是好看,到处是绿茵茵的植被。

    The beautifully landscaped gardens sprawl with lush vegetation .

  27. 穿着花格裙和绿色上装、打扮得漂漂亮亮的女子

    a woman , smartly turned out in patterned skirt and green top .

  28. 她用昂贵的服装把他从头到脚打扮一新。

    She had decked him out from head to foot in expensive clothes .

  29. 夏洛特为彻夜狂欢精心打扮了一番。

    Charlotte was dressed for a night on the tiles

  30. 一位面颊绯红、一副乡下贵族打扮的老妇人出现在门口。

    An older woman , pink-cheeked and tweedy , appeared in the doorway .