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pàn dìng
  • determine;judge;decide;assessment;vote;sit in judgment
判定 [pàn dìng]
  • [judge;decide;determine] 判别断定;裁定

判定[pàn dìng]
  1. CT影像与X线影像对肺结核疗程判定的对比分析

    Clinical meaning that the image of CT to the period of tuberculosis judge and analyze with X ray image contrast

  2. 结论表明脑CT分型对指导脑囊虫病临床治疗和判定预后具有重要意义。

    Conclusion There are indications that the CT types can be used to instruct clinical application and to judge the effect of treatment .

  3. 验尸官判定是“意外致死”。

    The coroner 's verdict was ' death by misadventure ' .

  4. 他们与雇员面谈以判定他们的应变能力。

    They interviewed employees to gauge their reaction to the changes .

  5. 他被判定有罪并被判处有条件的释放。

    He was found guilty and given a conditional discharge .

  6. 这些事故中只有十一例被判定为重大事故。

    Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major .

  7. 医生们难以判定她的确切病因。

    Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness .

  8. 这幅画被判定为赝品。

    The painting was declared to be a forgery .

  9. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。

    The judges awarded equal points to both finalists .

  10. 法庭判定予以严惩。

    Severe penalties were meted out by the court .

  11. 必须承认不同的法官会采用不同的方法来判定这些案件。

    It must be conceded that different judges have different approaches to these cases .

  12. 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等。

    The judges awarded both finalists equal points .

  13. 被告被判定无罪。

    The accused was found innocent .

  14. 陪审团表决赞成判定无罪。

    The jury voted for acquittal .

  15. 法官最终作出判定,没有足够证据证明那是有预谋的。

    The judge finally concluded there was insufficient evidence of premeditation .

  16. 当他们判定我们有罪时,我的脑子顿时一片空白。

    When they found us guilty , I just went blank .

  17. 委员会判定警方行为不当。

    The commission concluded that the police action was unjustified .

  18. 法官判定由这起案件的上诉人支付诉讼费用。

    The judge awarded the costs of the case to the petitioners .

  19. 评委们无法判定它属于哪一类。

    The judges could not decide which category it belonged in

  20. 他被判定精神状况不宜接受审判。

    He was found to be mentally unfit to stand trial

  21. 他们试图预先判定考察团的发现结果。

    They tried to prejudge the commission 's findings .

  22. 判定为意外死亡。

    A verdict of death by misadventure was recorded .

  23. 我不能判定他到底是英勇无畏还是精神失常。

    I couldn 't decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane .

  24. 考古学家判定这个堡垒建于罗马皇帝安东尼·庇护统治时期。

    Archaeologists have dated the fort to the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius .

  25. 有罪和无罪并不那么容易判定。

    It is not easy to put the guilty and innocent into clear-cut categories .

  26. 应该由警方来判定证据有效与否。

    It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence

  27. 每个案件都是按照案件本身的特点判定的。

    Each case is judged on its merits .

  28. 裁判判定她得奖。

    The judges awarded the prize to her .

  29. 陪审团判定被告是无辜的。

    The jury found the defendant innocent .

  30. 直到最近抽鸦片才被判定为非法。

    The use of opium was not criminalized until fairly recently .