
zhī shí chǎn quán àn jiàn
  • case of intellectual property right
  1. 律师代理知识产权案件应注意的问题

    Problems Faced by the Lawyers Acting on the Intelligence Fruit Case

  2. 整个电影都是以一个知识产权案件为蓝本。

    The whole film is based on a case of intellectual property .

  3. 与一般民事案件相比,知识产权案件具有显而易见的特殊性。

    Compared with general civil litigation , IP litigation has obvious special characteristics .

  4. 试析知识产权案件审理的公正性

    On the Justness of Trying Knowledge Poverty Cases

  5. 应对跨国公司对华知识产权案件的水平评价原则

    Coping with TNCs ' Indicting China 's Tort of Intellectual Property : The Principle of Cases Evaluation

  6. 在司法方面,各级法院一直注重知识产权案件的审理工作。

    In judicial aspects , courts at all levels were continuously paying attention to the trial of IPR cases .

  7. 新华社星期三报导说,中国将开始允许外籍人士旁听有关盗取知识产权案件的审理。

    On Wednesday , Xinhua news agency reported that China will begin allowing foreigners to attend trials on intellectual piracy .

  8. 涉外知识产权案件认定中的几个问题浅谈我国涉外产品责任法律制度的完善

    On the Affirmation of Foreign-related Intellectual Cases A Brief Introduction to the Completion of China 's Legislation Concerning Foreign-related Product Liability

  9. 为了保护国内外企业和个人的权益,中国己增设了许多专门审理知识产权案件的法庭

    Many courts have been set up in China to handle intellectual property rights in a Bid to protect foreign and domestic companies and individuals

  10. 在司法方面,中国各级法院已经建立起专门负责审理知识产权案件的审判庭;

    As far as the judiciary aspect is concerned , special judicial tribunals for IP cases have been established at courts at all levels in China .

  11. 云南省勐腊海关连续查获两起侵权案件,使昆明关区在知识产权案件查获方面实现了零突破。

    MengLa Customs Authority of Yunnan Province detected two infringement cases in succession , realizing zero-breakthrough in the number of detected cases in Kunming Customs District .

  12. 与此同时,继日本高等法院成立了专门处理知识产权案件的新部门后,这些学者可能会更积极地保护自己的知识产权。

    They are meanwhile likely to become more assertive in protecting their intellectual property rights following the establishment of a new division of the high court specialising in IPR .

  13. 在日趋激烈的国际竞争中,如何处理好知识产权案件将是对我国知识产权司法保护工作的重大考验。

    Well , in the increasingly fierce international competition , how to deal with the case of intellectual property will be the significant test on the judicial protection of intellectual property .

  14. 首先对知识产权案件的审理机构、案件数量和案件受理范围进行了阐述,并进而分析了当前知识产权案件呈现的特点。

    The first trial of the case of intellectual property institutions , the number of cases and case acceptance range are described , and thus presents analysis of the current characteristics of intellectual property cases .

  15. 文章第一部分是行为保全概述。针对行为保全的概念、性质及历史发展进行阐述,并结合知识产权案件的具体特性总结行为保全的特点。

    In the first part , there is the summary of behavior preservation , including the concept , nature of behavior preservation and historical development , and combined with the specific characteristics of intellectual property rights cases , summarize the characteristics of behavior preservation .

  16. 主要包括:行政保护与司法保护之间缺乏协作,三审分立的模式的不足,知识产权案件的级别管辖存在问题,执法标准亟待统一以及对知识产权的侵权行为打击力度不够等等。

    The main problems included the less cooperation between administrative protection and judicial protection , the shortage of " Three-separation " mode , the problem of Intellectual property cases ' jurisdiction , the differences in enforcement ' standards , and the strength on intellectual property infringement is insufficient .

  17. 侵犯知识产权犯罪案件的现状与侦控对策

    Situation and Countermeasures of Investigation and Control of Intellect-Property Criminal Cases

  18. 论侵犯知识产权犯罪案件的侦查

    On the Investigation of the Cases of Intellectual Property Infringement

  19. 知识产权侵权案件推定赔偿的正当性探析

    Analysis about the Justness of Inferential Compensation in Infringement Lawsuits of Intellectual Property Rights

  20. 知识产权侵权案件归责原则问题研究

    A Study on the Doctrine of Liability Fixation in Infringement of Intellectual Property Right

  21. 侵犯知识产权刑事案件若干法律问题探讨

    Discussion on Several Lawful Issues on Criminal Cases of Infringing upon Property Right of Knowledge

  22. 最近,美国最高法院就关于发明者知识产权的案件作出判决。

    Recently , the United States Supreme Court decided a case on the property rights of inventors .

  23. 在国内,由中国公司申请的专利数量以及提起的知识产权诉讼案件的数量都以两位数的速度增长。

    At home , the numbers both of patent filings and of IP lawsuits brought by Chinese firms have grown by double digits .

  24. 律师在代理知识产权诉讼案件时,除了与一般的民事案件要经历的相同的程序外,还有一些特别要注意的问题。

    The lawyer has some special problems to face besides the same procedure as the general civil case when they act on such case .

  25. 中国各地都出现了此类争端:中国最高法院表示,知识产权诉讼案件数量去年增加了38%,达到了惊人的6.6万件。

    Such disputes are breaking out all over China : the top court says IP lawsuits rose 38 per cent last year to an astounding 66,000 .

  26. 近年来跨国企业针对中国出口企业知识产权纠纷案件不断增加,使得国内企业遭受重大的经济损失。

    In recent years , intellectual property disputes between multinational enterprises and Chinese exports enterprises have been increasing . And the Chinese exports enterprises suffer major economic losses .

  27. 人民法院通过对知识产权纠纷案件的审理,依法保护了中外知识产权所有人的合法权益。

    The people 's courts in accordance with the law defend the legitimate rights and interests of the foreign and domestic intellectual property rights holders through trying cases concerning intellectual property rights disputes .

  28. 迈斯律师事务所帮助解决从企业相关法规到知识产权的任何案件。

    O'Melveny & Myers handles anything from corporate law to intellectual property law .

  29. 然而,司法实践中知识产权刑事自诉案件极其罕见。

    Nevertheless , private prosecution cases of intellectual properly right are rare in judicial practice .

  30. 维尔纳夫总是出差,处理知识产权法律纠纷案件,对他而言,锻炼是一种解压方式。

    For Mr Villeneuve , who travels constantly and is involved in legal battles over intellectual property , exercise provides stress relief .