
  • 网络Intellectual Property Research
  1. 2000-2004年中国知识产权研究的文献计量分析

    Intellectual property research in China & a bibliometric analysis from 2000 to 2004

  2. 中国知识产权研究会

    China Intellectual Property Research Association

  3. 中国家具业知识产权研究

    The Study on Intellectual Property Right of Chinese Furniture Industry

  4. 知识产权研究的学科格局有待于进一步调整、优化。

    Subject structure of intellectual property awaits to adjust and improve further .

  5. 民法、民诉法与知识产权研究&21世纪知识产权研究若干问题

    Study on Civil Law , Civil Procedure Act and Intellectual Property Rights

  6. 学位论文传递的知识产权研究

    Researches on intellectual property right in the transmission of dissertations

  7. 图书馆声像资料服务的知识产权研究

    STATISTICAL DATA Research on the Intellectual Property of Digital Audio & Video Service in Libraries

  8. 武术的知识产权研究

    Intellectual property rights of Wushu

  9. 鉴于上述情况,我认为有必要开展湖北省中药知识产权研究。

    Given the above , I think the need for intellectual property rights of Hubei Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  10. 相比较其他知识产权研究而言,目前国内关于商标显著性的研究并不算多,并且在相关问题上尚存较大争议。

    Compared to other intellectual property rights studies , the current domestic studies on trademark distinctiveness is not much , and about this issue has large dispute .

  11. 现为中国法学会、中国版权研究会会员、中国高等学校知识产权研究会常务理事。

    Now he is a managing director of Chinese College Intellectual Property Study Orgnizaton , the member of Chinese Legal Orgnization and the Copyright Study Orgnization of China .

  12. 随着作品名称纠纷案件日益增多,是否保护作品名称、怎样保护作品名称成为知识产权研究的一项课题。

    With the increasing number of disputes Title , whether protect names of works , how to protect names of works has became a research topic of intellectual property .

  13. 近年来,国外知识产权研究的一个显著趋势是跨学科性的增强,学者们采用越来越复杂的经济学方法分析各种法令的影响并对立法改革作出建议。

    A significant trend on intellectual property research is interdisciplinary enhanced in foreigner countries in recently years , researchers analysis various decrees and make suggestions by complicated economics methods .

  14. 第一章提出产学研联盟知识产权研究的背景以及研究的目的和意义,对国内外的相关研究情况进行梳理和分析,总结现有文献研究情况。

    The first chapter propose the purpose , significance and the background of intellectual property rights of the research alliance . Sort out and analyze domestic and international research , and summarize the existing literature .

  15. 基于SWOT分析的长株潭城市群知识产权战略研究

    Research on the Intellectual Property Strategy of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration based on the SWOT Analysis

  16. 在专注于知识产权的研究密集型产业——这正是Alphabet的领域——企业集团最擅长建立起经验丰富的管理骨干队伍,以及挑选合适的投资项目。

    Their ability to build a cadre of skilled managers and to pick the right investment projects is strongest in research-intensive industries that invest in intellectual property , which is Alphabet 's territory .

  17. 吉林省生物医药产业知识产权问题研究

    Study on intellectual property of biological medicine industry in Jilin province

  18. 我国中医药产业国际化发展的知识产权问题研究

    Study on Intellectual Property Issue of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Internationalization

  19. 侵犯知识产权犯罪研究

    A Study on the Crime of Infringing Upon Intellectual Property Rights

  20. 我国生物遗传资源的知识产权保护研究

    On the Intellectual Property Rights Protection of China 's Bio-genetic Resources

  21. 战略联盟合作创新的知识产权风险研究

    The Research of Intellectual Property Risk for Cooperative Innovation Strategic Alliance

  22. 合作创新中转移媒介引发的知识产权风险研究

    Study on Intellectual Property Risks Induced by Transferring Media in Collaborative Innovation

  23. 高校知识产权保护研究

    A Study on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Universities

  24. 基于价值的企业知识产权创新研究

    Study of intellectual property innovation in enterprise based on value

  25. 数字技术时代的新知识产权问题研究

    New Intellectual Property Rights Problems in the Digital Technological Age

  26. 高新技术企业自主知识产权战略研究

    Research on the Strategy of Independent Intellectual Property Rights in High-Tech Enterprises

  27. 国际知识产权教学研究促进协会

    International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property

  28. 哈萨克族传统医药的知识产权保护研究

    Research on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Kazak Traditional Medicine

  29. 高新技术知识产权的研究具有重要的现实意义。

    The study of high-tech intellectual property has practical significance .

  30. 我国医药企业知识产权管理研究

    Study on Intellectual Property Management of Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China